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"It does not need even a clever mind like mine to deduce from my daughter's behaviour that Miss Eliza remains unchanged through the changing years," murmured Ross in Elinor's ear. "Tempus may fugit, but Miss Eliza's disposition stands perfectly still." Suddenly, Arethusa's hand flew to clasp her throat. She looked up at them with a little laugh, her face clearing as if by magic.

And in other unhappy places, the spirit of whim seems to have seized upon the inhabitants. Who would wish to write themselves citizens of Murder-Kill-Hundred, or Cain, or of the town of Lack, which places must be on the high road to Fugit and Constable?

"One evening after we had been in Guaya in this town of Smellville-by-the-Sea about a month, and me and O'Connor were sitting outside the door helping along old tempus fugit with rum and ice and limes, I says to him: "'If you'll excuse a patriot that don't exactly know what he's patronizing, for the question what is your scheme for subjugating this country?

"Why, you may die if you ride on the king's business, but so may I who sit at home and eat my heart." "For whom?" "I will tell you that to-morrow." Villon touched her lightly on the wrist and pointed to the grey tower on whose weather-beaten wall the quaint old dial showed plainly in the bright moonlight, with its wise Latin inscription: "Dum Spectas, Fugit Hora, Carpe Diem."

Veientanumque rubellum Exhalet vapida laesum pice sessilis obba? Quid petis? Ut nummi, quos hic quincunce modesto Nutrieras, pergant avidos sudare deunces? Indulge genio: carpamus dulcia; nostrum est Quod vivis; cinis, et manes, et fabula fies. Vive memor lethi: fugit hora. Hoc quod loquor, inde est. En quid agis? Duplici in diversum scinderis hamo. Hunccine, an hunc sequeris!

Still fascinated by the attractions of the everchanging landscape along the southern coast, we had forgotten that fugit hora; for we were greatly surprised to perceive the approaching twilight, indicating the parting day, and the white beams of the young crescent just beginning to steal over the lately flushed and empurpled scene.

About a gallon should be absorbed, while a chemically prepared poultice of H2O, tempus fugit, and aqua pura should be applied to each and every bite." "Bring' on yer new milk and vinegar, begorra!" roared the Irish boy, wildly. "It's a barrel ur two Oi'll drink av th' sthuff!" "Somepody dose boultices make britty queek alretty!" shouted Hans.