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Under the Andalusian jasmines, beneath the oleanders of Cordova or Seville, under the fountains whose basins are decorated with azulejos, and in which sultanas bathe, my jasmins could never sufficiently exhale their perfume, my fountains could never murmur harmoniously enough to furnish you a joyous welcome when you go if you go But Toledo! My terrible castle Fuentecarral!

Parbleu! you have another lover in it, I wager! Vaudrey! Or Lissac and many others! Is it as I say?" "I swear to you " "Ah! you have lied to me, do not swear! We are about to leave. Not for Italy. It is good for those who love each other. You do not know Fuentecarral? You are about to make its acquaintance. It is your château now. Yours, yours, since you are a Rosas!"

It is in vain that I am impenitently romantic, I would not take you there for anything in the world. It would be as if ice fell on your shoulders. Fuentecarral? Ugh! that smacks of death."

You would die of ennui at the end of two hours and of cold at the end of eight days." "Die of cold in Spain?" "There is a cold of the soul," the duke replied with a significant smile. "That I have travelled so much, is probably due to my desire to escape from that place! But you at Toledo, at Fuentecarral, that is the name of my castle, a Parisian like you! It would be cruel.

"There, you are well-informed! It is strange! Perhaps that is because you are no longer a minister!" "You love Rosas?" "Yes, and I am marrying him. I have the honor to announce to you my marriage to Monsieur le Duc José de Rosas, Marquis de Fuentecarral. It surprises me, but it is so! I have known days when I have not had six sous to take the omnibus, and now I am to be a duchess!

While he spoke, Marianne looked at him with kindling eyes and in thought roamed through those sweet-scented gardens, and she craved to see herself in that tomblike fortress Fuentecarral, passing in front of the pale female ancestors of Rosas, aghast at the froufrou of the Parisian woman. José thought Marianne's burning glance was an expression of her love.