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Puzzled as we were about Gladys's strange behavior, we were yet relieved of all anxiety about the Striped Beetle and its passengers. The girls were on their way to Chicago by way of Ligonier, the way we had planned in the beginning, and had undoubtedly not fallen by the wayside. We did wait long enough in Ft.

The bones of animals and other relics have been found in the covering soil and have been turned up by the miners from time to time. The pavement is all worked out with cubes, varying in size from an inch and a half to two inches square, each piece being placed in position with most careful exactness. The strip which extends 48 yards and is 13 ft. wide runs due north and south.

With some trouble I obtained one exceeding this measurement direct from East Africa for the Natural History Museum, where it now stands. It seems highly probable that this species occasionally exceeds 12 ft. in height. On the ground, between the great African elephant's fore and hind legs, in the museum, I placed a stuffed specimen of the smallest terrestrial mammal the pigmy shrew-mouse.

We give several illustrations of a sea going twin screw torpedo boat lately built for the Italian government by Messrs. Yarrow & Co., of Poplar. The vessel in question is 140 ft. long by 14 ft. wide, and her displacement approaches close on 100 tons.

Opposite the entrance are three vaulted apses, the central one larger and deeper than the others and with four windows, the others having but one each; and these apses are repeated above, without the windows. In front of them are two smooth columns of Oriental yellow marble 7 ft. round, in place of piers, and thinner columns cut short occupy the same relative place above.

That her crew and weapons of defense are protected by the most perfect of all armor possible, namely, 10 ft. of water. 4. That she only presents a mark of 4 ft. above the water line. Then, he asked, with what weapon is the ironclad going to vanquish these torpedo rams?

"The Haughton Cross is only a fragment almost precisely similar to a fragment at Butleigh, in Somerset, of early fourteenth-century date. The remaining part is clearly the top stone of the base, measuring 2 ft. in. square by 1 ft. 6 in. high, and the lowest portion of the shaft sunk into it, and measuring 1 ft. 1 in. square by 10½ in. high.

"The evidence we have leads us to believe that she died of having her throat cut." Dr. Heyl, Assistant Surgeon of the Sixth Regiment, U. S., stationed at Ft. Thomas testified the manner in which the head was severed plainly showed that an accustomed hand had performed the work, and it was obvious to a professional eye that the work had commenced from the back of the neck.

At the hamlet of West Stoke is Parsonage Farm, originally a chantry house, where should be noticed the Tudor gateway, the hall, a gabled room surmounted by a bell-cot, and a circular columbarium. The chantry which was served by the priests who resided here, no longer exists. Above the village is Hamdon Hill, an eminence 426 ft. above sea level.

"All filtered solutions and washings from the leaching vats are saved and passed through a precipitating 'box' of novel construction, which may consist either of glass, iron or wood, and be made in any shape, either oval, round, or rectangular if the latter, it will be about 10 ft. long, 4 ft. wide and 1 ft. high and is partitioned off lengthwise into five compartments.