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They are connected with all the large Quaker circle, the Gurneys, Frys, &c., and also with Buxton the Abolitionist. It is droll to hear them talking of all the common topics of science, literature, and life, and in the midst of it: 'Does thou know Wordsworth? or, 'Did thou see the Coronation? or 'Will thou take some refreshment? They are very kind and pleasant people to know."

The lady's death, news of which will now have reached him, will no doubt be a lever, enabling my representative to obtain the desired information." "When do you expect to hear from him?" "At any moment. Failing a full confession by the Frys, you will of course know how to act, Inspector?" "Damme!" cried Dunbar, "can your man be relied upon to watch them? They mustn't slip away!

Shall I instruct Perth to arrest the couple?" "I wired my agent this morning, Inspector, to communicate with the local police respecting the Frys." Inspector Dunbar tapped his small, widely-separated teeth with the end of his fountain-pen. "I have had one priceless witness slip through my fingers," he muttered. "I'll hand in my resignation if the Frys go!" "To whom do you refer?"

While young gentlemen are talking about governing heaven and earth by verse, Wellingtons and Peels, Arkwrights and Stephensons, Frys, and Chisholms, are doing it by plain practical prose; and even of those who have moved and led the hearts of men by verse, every one, as far as we know, has produced his magical effects by poetry of the very opposite forum to that which is now in fashion.

You can wash up after yore ride and you'll feel a lot better. I'll have Chung Lung cook you both a bit of supper soon as he comes back to the kitchen. A good steak an' some nice French frys, say. With some of the mince pie left from dinner and a good cup of coffee." Mollie's arm was round June, petting and comforting her. June felt and repressed an impulse to tears.

Fur some smart fellers had come along, and bought up all that swamp land and dreened it, and now it was worth seventy or eighty dollars an acre. Hank, he figgered some one had cheated him. Which the Walterses could of dreened theirn too, only they'd ruther hunt ducks and have fish frys than to dig ditches.

Ally's dragging pace had not carried her far from the Frys' gate when she was stopped by old Mrs. Sollas, who was a great talker, and spoke very slowly because she had never been able to get used to her new teeth from Hepburn.

They did full justice to the steak, French frys, mince pie, and coffee Mrs. Gillespie had promised. They hung for a moment awkwardly outside the dining-room. Both of them were looking for an excuse to avoid returning to their room yet. "Like to look the town over?" Bob asked. June accepted eagerly. They walked up the single business street and looked in the windows.

To know the truth Charity had only to walk half the length of the village, and knock at the lighted window. She hesitated a minute or two longer, and then turned toward Miss Hatchard's. She walked quickly, straining her eyes to detect anyone who might be coming along the street; and before reaching the Frys' she crossed over to avoid the light from their window.

"You've got a fine lot of hens. I always did like white leghorns. Where are all your roosters?" "We've only got one. He's shut up in the coop. The brood hens are setting. Enid is going to try raising winter frys." "Only one rooster? And may I ask what these hens do?" Claude laughed. "They lay eggs, just the same, better. It's the fertile eggs that spoil in warm weather."