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He told a member of his family in Scotland who was engaged in fruit-growing about the wonderful effects of the material as a fertilizer. As a result several bags of nitrates were distributed among Scottish farmers and fruit-growers. So satisfactory did the fertilizer prove that an immediate call was made for more of it.

This mountain town, 2550 feet above the sea, is said to have a decent winter climate, with little snow, favorable to fruit-growing, and, by contrast with New England, encouraging to people with weak lungs. This is the center of the mica mining, and of considerable excitement about minerals. All around, the hills are spotted with "diggings."

Those same apples can be shipped half-way round the world and sold in England for a lower price than the apples shipped from Buffalo to New York City! Then there are the peaches, cherries, and strawberries. They find a ready market in Australia, a matter of only a few miles away. So in time Tasmania is bound to be one of the great fruit-growing countries in the world.

This mountain town, 255O feet above the sea, is said to have a decent winter climate, with little snow, favorable to fruit-growing, and, by contrast with New England, encouraging to people with weak lungs. This is the center of the mica mining, and of considerable excitement about minerals. All around, the hills are spotted with "diggings."

Father told me he found you living with some old friends on a big fruit-growing estate near a small town, and I supposed it had been all rather lonely and humdrum, until that quiet little game a few weeks ago made me realize that you must have seen a bit of the strenuous side down there. That would be the life for me!"

And where land can be spared the communities give also a portion of their domain to allotments for fruit-growing.

It is a district well adapted for mixed farming and dairying, as well as fruit-growing; the climate is even and healthy, and is neither severe in summer nor winter. The average rainfall is some 30 inches, and is usually sufficient, though there are dry periods, when a judicious watering, as recommended for the coast districts, would be of great value to fruit and vegetable growers.

We have, unlike Florida and other parts of the United States of America great fruit-growing districts no killing frosts, and now, at the close of one of the coldest winters on record, and one of the driest, nowhere have our pineapples fruit nor plants been injured, except on low-lying ground, over in the Southern part of the State, and mangoes, bananas, &c., are uninjured.

So far, I have confined my remarks mainly to the climatic side of fruit-growing, and, before dealing with the growing of the different kinds of fruit, I will say a few words about our fruit soils, and will deal with them in districts, as I have endeavoured to do in the case of climate. 1st.

This meeting, at which no less than a hundred addresses were presented from every part of Africa from the far-off Zambesi to the fruit-growing district of the Paarl, almost entirely populated by Dutch even this great demonstration that one great man was capable of inspiring quickly faded from my memory in view of the insight which three weeks as his guest gave me of the many sides of his life, occupations, and character.