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The younger Colman, who attended, or rather neglected to attend his lectures, speaks of him as 'an acute frosty-faced little Dr. Dunbar, a man of much erudition, and great goodnature. Random Records, ii. 93. Mr. Mr. Hoole, I conjecture. See post, iv. 12, and Boswell's Hebrides, Aug. 19. Dr. Percy, now Bishop of Dromore. Johnson, in 1764, passed some weeks at Percy's rectory. Ante, i. 486.

It is a glorious, exhilarating scene, with the beautiful wintry landscape stretching away to the cloudy November sky, and the lords and ladies gay, and the hounds, and the frosty-faced, short-tempered old huntsman, the very perfection of his kind; and the poor cockney snobs on their hired screws, and the meek clod-hopping labourers looking on excited and bewildered, happy for a moment at beholding so much happiness in their betters.

You don't have to recite to some frosty-faced old dame that's trying to show off to the principal, and you can study any subject you want to. Just listen to these! I clipped out the ads of some swell courses."

"He come to fetch his pipe," explained Elleney, scarlet with confusion; "and when he seen me so run, an' so put about because I was a bit behind, he offered to stay an' help me. It's him that's makin' the toast." Juliana McNally, a frosty-faced person, no longer in her first youth, looked round with a scandalised face. "Did ye ever hear the like o' that?" she exclaimed. "Pat Rooney!