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"I suppose you think I have no right to be frivolling in these very serious times, but I am afraid I am rather an offender when the humour takes me. You kept your word to Mr. Dartrey, I see?" Tallente nodded. "I came to town yesterday." "I must hear all the news, please," she insisted. "Will you come and see me to-morrow afternoon?

Not a green blade of grass, not the smallest patch of herb was visible. To Margaret they seemed to be floating rather than riding through the pink light of another world. "No, not this," Michael said. "But your brother's a marvel. I couldn't do it. Yet even he has to leave it now and then; sometimes he spends a night in frivolling in Luxor or Assuan."

Since the birth of George she had never done such a thing. She had never spent money on amusing herself, on passing an agreeable time. It was almost as if, directly her husband, the master of her life and her children's lives, turned his back, she filled her purse from the store he had left behind him, and went off frivolling. "I do not care!" she said to herself fearsomely. "I do not care a damn.

Doctor, frivolling with a lovely filly, pedigree not known. Why, confound it! nobody takes this business seriously except the captain, and he sits on a golden throne. He doesn't know that in any real danger this swagger craft would be filled with foolishness. There isn't more than one good boat's crew on board sailors, lascars, stewards, and all.

"No, I don't know you how should I? You never give me a chance. You show me only the frivolous side of your character. You are always laughing, joking, frivolling. In all these weeks I have only once had a glimpse of your real self. You evidently do not wish me to know you in any real or intimate sense; but that is your own fault, not mine."

BARNABAS. Oh, dash it! That awful woman! BURGE-LUBIN. She certainly is a bit of a terror. I don't exactly know why; for she is not at all bad-looking. THE ARCHBISHOP. He cannot help it, Mr Accountant General. Three of his sixteen great-great-great-grandfathers married Lubins. BURGE-LUBIN. Tut tut! I am not frivolling. I did not ask the lady here. Which of you did?

But it was not meant to live in; it was merely a nursery. All day long the happy pair enjoyed each other's company aloft, leaping from corn-ear to thistle-head, from thistle-head to poppy, and back again to corn-ear, feasting, frivolling, stalking bluebottles.

In order to square it all up for Edith, we must be able to say to these people that we haven't been frivolling that we are going to be married at once. That will let Edith out of the difficulty, and everything will look rosy at the outset.

So while her society friends at home went from one gay scene to another, dancing and frivolling through the night and sleeping away the morning, Hazel bared her round white arms, enveloped herself in a clean blue-checked apron, and learned to make bread and pies and gingerbread and puddings and doughnuts and fruit-cake, how to cook meats and vegetables and make delicious broths from odds and ends, and to concoct the most delectable desserts that would tempt the frailest appetite.

Peter muttered, but the girl's quick ears caught the words over the roar of that "ill wind" which had brought them together. "Child is my surname, and it's not polite to call me by it." She brought him to his bearings by suddenly "frivolling" again. "They call militant suffragettes and housemaids sent to prison for stealing their kind mistresses' jewels by their surnames.