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Gilfil died, Dame Fripp manifested her gratitude and reverence in the simply dingy fashion I have mentioned. You already suspect that the Vicar did not shine in the more spiritual functions of his office; and indeed, the utmost I can say for him in this respect is, that he performed those functions with undeviating attention to brevity and despatch.

"The squee-rrel or coyote or whatever it was," Mrs. Stott continued, "went pitter-patter, pitter-patter so!" She illustrated with her finger-tips on the oil-cloth. "Prob'ly a chipmunk," said Pinkey, prosaically. "Are they dangerous, Mr. Fripp?" inquired Miss Gaskett. "Not unless cornered or wounded," he replied, gravely.

"Certainly if there's anything you can teach me," Wallie's smile said as plain as words that he doubted it. "Mr. Fripp er 'thumb' him." "You're the doctor," said Pinkey, grimly, and "thumbed" him. The effect was instantaneous. The old horse ducked his head, arched his back, and went at it.

Then Fripp, who remained at the larger cabin, called to his companion, who turned back for some reason. "Good!" cried Russ. "I've got him going and coming! Oh, this will be great!" He continued to grind away at the film, and soon had sufficient pictures. "But how are we going to get away without them seeing us?" asked Alice. "We can wait until dark," Russ said. But there was no need.

Such were conditions at The Colonial when the folders arrived announcing the opening of the Lolabama Ranch to tourists the name meaning Happy Wigwam. Messrs. Macpherson and Fripp, it stated, were booking guests for the remainder of the season and urged those who had a taste for the Great Outdoors to consider what they had to offer. The folders created a sensation.

Helena Island, built in 1855, shaded by lofty live-oak trees, with the long, pendulous moss everywhere hanging from their wide-spreading branches, and surrounded by the gravestones of the former proprietors, which bear the ever-recurring names of Fripp and Chaplin. This school was opened in September last, but many of the pupils had received some instruction before.

Turner has even gone farther, and given us pictures of pure color, as in the illustration of Goethe's theory of colors, a fantasie of the palette. And why shall Turner not orchestrate color as well as Verdi sound? why not give us his synchromies as well as Beethoven his symphonies? You prefer common sense, Harding and Fripp, Stanfield and Creswick?

Fripp, said the Vicar, 'I didn't know you had such a fine pig. You'll have some rare flitches at Christmas! 'Eh, God forbid! My son gev him me two 'ear ago, an' he's been company to me iver sin'. I couldn't find i' my heart to part wi'm, if I niver knowed the taste o' bacon-fat again. 'Why, he'll eat his head off, and yours too. How can you go on keeping a pig, and making nothing by him?

Higgins. Mrs. Higgins, who was an elderly widow, 'well left', reflected with complacency that Mrs. Parrot's observation was no more than just, and that Mrs. Jennings very likely belonged to a family which had had no funerals to speak of. Even dirty Dame Fripp, who was a very rare church-goer, had been to Mrs.

Gilfil laughed, and I am obliged to admit that he said good-bye to Dame Fripp without asking her why she had not been to church, or making the slightest effort for her spiritual edification. But the next day he ordered his man David to take her a great piece of bacon, with a message, saying, the parson wanted to make sure that Mrs. Fripp would know the taste of bacon-fat again. So, when Mr.