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I went on telling him about our hydroponic farms, and the carniculture plant where any kind of animal tissue we wanted was grown Terran pork and beef and poultry, Freyan zhoumy meat, Zarathustran veldtbeest.... He knew, already, that none of the native life-forms, animal or vegetable, were edible by Terrans. "You can get all the paté de foie gras you want here," I said.

"Any animal associating with man will try to attract attention if something's wrong, but I never heard of one, not even a Freyan kholph or a Terran chimpanzee, that would use descriptive pantomime. Little Fuzzy was actually making a symbolic representation, by abstracting the distinguishing characteristic of the damnthing."

"I've seen Terran monkeys and Freyan Kholphs that liked to watch screens and could turn them on and work the selector," Lunt said. It sounded like the token last salvo before the surrender. "Kholphs are smart," Khadra agreed. "They use tools." "Do they make tools? Or tools to make tools with, like that saw?" There was no argument on that. "No.

She has a lot of rats, and some dogs and monkeys, and a lot of apparatus, and some technician from Henry Stenson's instrument shop helping her. Juan Jimenez is studying mentation of Terran dogs, cats and primates, and Freyan kholphs and Mimir black slinkers." "He hasn't turned up any simian or canine parallels to that funeral, has he?" Grego said nothing, merely shook his head.

As to this trick of using a lighter, I will undertake, in not more than thirty days, to teach it to any Terran primate or Freyan kholph." Greibenfeld rose immediately.

I've seen so-called Westerns with the cowboys riding Freyan oukry. I mentioned that, and then added: "They'll think the old cattle towns like Dodge and Abilene were awful sissy places, though." "I suppose they were, compared to Port Sandor," Lautier said. "Are you going aboard to interview the distinguished visitor?" "Which one?" I asked. "Glenn Murell or Leo Belsher?"