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Some charities and some clubs and schools were temporarily suspended; other charities, befitting the name, were more active, the very young children were most looked after, and the Good Samaritans of the Fresh-Air Funds went about everywhere full of this new enthusiasm of humanity.

They had strolled into the living room a big, square, sunny place, in golden greens and browns, where a bay-window overlooked the Park. Kneeling on the cushions of the deep window seat she flattened her delicate nose against the glass, peering out through the lace hangings. "Everybody and his family are driving," she said over her shoulder. "The rich and great are cornering the fresh-air supply.

Cooking, housekeeping, kindergarten, and fresh-air work developed rapidly. There are now twelve industrial schools, where six thousand children are taught. The report of the first semi-annual meeting, held in Utica, N. Y., is in quaint contrast to the reports of the first Suffrage meetings.

If a breakdown of a train occurs in any one tunnel, that tunnel can at once be converted into a fresh-air one, while its traffic is transferred to the one previously used for air, thereby avoiding delay. The system described for splitting the air and drawing off the noxious gases is very similar to that described by Mr. Hawkshaw at Southampton.

Fresh-air treatment, however, needs wisely conducting in the untoward climate of England, and a self-prescribed ride upon a winter's day of bitter frost threw Fletcher again into suffering and danger. Friends nursed him in London, and a noted specialist was brought to him by Mr. Ireland, whose kindness was ever unfailing; while two or three physicians regularly attended and gave their best advice.

They were forced to admit that the simple remedies of the Nature Cure school, cold water and fasting in typhoid fever and the fresh-air treatment in tuberculosis, are the only worthwhile methods to fight these formidable enemies to health and life.

It was some time before everybody got quieted down again, but finally the rat scare was over and the Bobbseys turned to dreams of the happy summer-time they were enjoying. When Uncle Dan came up from the postoffice the next morning he brought a note from the fresh-air camp. "Sandy has to go back!" Nan whispered to Bert.

There's nothing else quite like it on the green earth. Do you wonder that we become "fresh-air fiends"? The only thing we dread in these camps is the imported "cold." Dr. Lawrence Flick was the first to show us the way in this respect as in several others.

On the table in the comer were hymn books, the great red-and-gold family Bible, and a "Baxter's Saint's Rest" the only reading matter suited to Miss Wetherby's conception of the mind behind those soulful orbs upraised in devout adoration. Just before Ann started for the station Tommy Green came over to leave his pet dog, Rover, for Miss Wetherby's "fresh-air" boy to play with.

And, as usual, Henriette was right, for the next February when the beneficiaries of the Winter Fresh-Air Fund spent a month at Palm Beach, enjoying the best that favored spot afforded in the way of entertainment and diversion, not a word of criticism was advanced by anybody, although the party consisted solely of Mrs. Van Raffles, her maid, and Bunny, her butler.