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But come now hasn't it occurred to you you might marry one of them, and so become quite naturally related to them both?" Mr. Twist's spectacles seemed to grow gigantic. "Marry one of them?" he repeated, his mouth helplessly opening. "Yep," said the lawyer, giving him a lead in free-and-easiness. "Look here," said Mr. Twist suddenly gathering his mouth together, "cut that line of joke out.

But, of course, Bruant had no intention of sending us away and he kept up his little farce only to the point where our disappointment was on the verge of turning into impatience. It simply meant that he did not hold to the hail-fellow-well-met free-and-easiness which was the pose of Salis at the Chat Noir, but, at the Mirliton, was all for ceremony and dramatic effect.

Ramsay rode and walked and talked, Miss Price, whose free-and-easiness, vapid chatter, artificiality, and sentimentalism contrasted unpleasantly with Bijou's frankness and sincerity. By this course each confirmed the other in the impression of untrustworthiness and flirtatiousness both had received, and they ought to have been perfectly satisfied with this result.

Indian free-and-easiness. A Mohammedan asked me whether if he became a Christian we would provide him with a wife, and he appeared surprised to learn that as a Christian he could only have one wife. "Our religion allows four," he said.

Trying to seem grave and sedate he pursed up his face and puffed out his cheeks, and he smelt of spirits. Probably he had visited the refreshment bar at every station. And again there was a free-and-easiness about the man something superfluous and out of place.

There was no forwardness or free-and-easiness about her; yet instinctively he recognised her as the active agent in the whole affair. Twice, lately, he had resolved not to go near her again; and both times he had failed ignominiously he who prided himself on control of unruly emotions...! Had Lance, he wondered, made the same resolve and managed to keep it being Lance?

"Ah if they went to see Perrin's old mother," said Jessie, "it would oblige them to care a great deal, for he was her only son." "Ay, her only child!" added Mrs Davidson. While she was yet speaking, it so happened that Duncan McKay junior himself entered the room, with that over-done free-and-easiness which sometimes characterises a man who is ill at ease.

Discreetly aloof, he observed, in passing, the complete free-and-easiness of the modern maiden with her modern cavalier; personalities flying; likewise legs and arms; a banter-wrangle interlude over a tennis-racquet; flight and pursuit of the offending maiden, punctuated with shrieks, culminating in collapse and undignified surrender: while a pair of club peons also discreetly aloof exchanged remarks whose import would have enraged the unsuspecting pair.

"No one would ever come into a mixed party with spectacles on his nose, if he did but know that at once we women lose all pleasure in looking at him or listening to what he has to say. "Free-and-easiness, where there ought to be respect, is always ridiculous. No one would put his hat down when he had scarcely paid the ordinary compliments if he knew how comical it looks.

If my story interests you, you must build up your own idea of her." "Becky Sharpe!" Aynesworth murmured. Lovell nodded. "Perhaps," he admitted, "only Ruth was a lady. To go on with my story. A hunting coterie, as you fellows know, means lots of liberty, and a general free-and-easiness amongst the sexes, which naturally leads to flirtations more or less serious.