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He came to Monsieur, and, presuming on an old servitor's privilege, begged him to leave me at home. "I have lost two sons in Monsieur's service," he said: "Jean, hunting in this forest, and Blaise, in the fray at Blois. I have never grudged them to Monsieur. But Félix is all I have left." Thus it came about that I was left behind, hidden in the hay-loft, when my duke rode away.

Fierce raged the fray around them, for, made with hate and drink and the lust of fight, Swanhild's folk Eric's friends remembering the words of Atli, fell on Ospakar's; and the people of Björn fell on each other, brother on brother, and father on son nor might the fray be stayed.

Henry Wharton threw several hasty and inquiring glances around, to see if no means of liberation would offer, but invariably found the eyes of his sentinel fixed on him with the watchfulness of an Argus. He longed, with the ardor of youth, to join in the glorious fray, but was compelled to remain a dissatisfied spectator of a scene in which he would so cheerfully have been an actor.

It was stated that when poor Lord Holme had first seen her, after the operation, the shock had nearly turned his brain. And now it was argued that the only decent thing for a woman in such a plight to do was to preserve at least her dignity, and to retire modestly from the fray in which she could no longer hope to hold her own.

He himself advanced, and was encouraging them by his words, actions, and example, when a ball struck him in the forehead, and extended him on the ground. His brother threw himself upon him, covered him with his body, clasped him in his arms, and was striving to bear him out of the fire and the fray, when a second ball hit him also, and both expired together.

Years of conflagration, carnage, and woe rolled over war-deluged Europe, during which all the energies of the human race seemed to be expended in destruction; and in almost every scene of smouldering cities, of ravaged valleys, of battle-fields rendered hideous with the shouts of onset and shrieks of despair, we see the apparition of the stalwart frame of Guise, scarred, and war-worn, and blackened with the smoke and dust of the fray, riding upon his proud charger, wherever peril was most imminent, as if his body were made of iron.

With a righteous sceptre of blissful rulership, With a legitimate staff, bringing salvation to mankind, adorn my sovereignty forever. With strong weapons for the fray, protect my soldiers; Then, O Shamash, by oracle and dream, answer me correctly! By thy supreme command, which is unchangeable, May my weapons advance, and strike and overthrow the weapons of the enemies.

His successor is named Fray Lorenzo de Leon; and he has begun to overthrow everything which his predecessor established, by oppressing the Castilian friars and encouraging the creoles, who are utterly shiftless and a set of fools. From this will necessarily follow the entire ruin of the province.

"On, Romans!" shrieked Cornwallis, who had once seen a theatrical performance and remembered the heroic appeals of the Thespian belligerents, "on to the fray! No sleep till mornin'." "Let eout all their bowels," yelled Washington, "and down with taxation on tea!"

The result was that, instead of encountering a small band of outcast and wearied Makololo, Moselekatse's men found themselves opposed by a large force of warriors fresh and vigorous for any fray, men who had often been led to victory by the noble chief Sebituane.