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He spoke gravely, conscious of not feeling at ease on his side. If he had been the most modest man that ever lived, he must have seen in Francine's face that she loved him. When they had first been presented to each other, she was still under the influence of the meanest instincts in her scheming and selfish nature.

Marie, noticing with amazement that the girl left the room, looked at Madame du Gua, and her surprise increased as she saw the pallor on the face of her enemy. Anxious to discover the meaning of Francine's abrupt departure, she went to the window, where Madame du Gua followed her, no doubt to guard against any suspicions which might arise in her mind.

Attentive to all Francine's movements, the Chouan disappeared behind the willow, as he saw her turn to look for the enemy over whom she was keeping an instinctive watch. Six or eight persons, attracted by the noise of the carriage-wheels, came out on the portico, shouting: "It is the Gars! it is he; here he is!" On this several other men ran out, and their coming interrupted the lovers.

Francine could not explain to herself the mocking gaiety of her mistress. It was not the joy of love, a woman never mistakes that; it was rather an expression of concentrated maliciousness, which to Francine's mind boded evil.

I will bring her back to life; you will give me permission?" she asked, turning to Fanfar. "She is my sister!" said Fanfar. Irène imprinted a kiss on Francine's brow. This was her reply to Fanfar's words. Talizac ran to the door of the salon and summoned the lacqueys. "Here, take this man away!" And, as they crowded in, Fanfar said: "Who dares lay a hand on me?"

Ellmother held up her forefinger, and shook it with a gesture of reproof. "I thought we agreed, miss, that there was to be no pumping." The business of the toilet proceeded in silence. A week passed. During an interval in the labors of the school, Miss Ladd knocked at the door of Francine's room. "I want to speak to you, my dear, about Mrs. Ellmother.

Talizac was excessively pale, his worn face telling the story of his excesses and the excitement of the previous night. Francine's flight, which he believed to have been arranged by the man and woman whom he had employed as his tools, had driven him nearly mad with rage, from which he had not yet recovered. Suddenly a murmur of admiration ran around the room.

For the first time in her life this woman had lived according to her inmost desires; but of that life nothing remained but one craving, that of vengeance, vengeance complete and infinite. It was her one thought, her sole desire. Francine's words and attentions were unnoticed.

In consequence of these drawbacks, the merchant's representatives had to choose between a proposal to use Netherwoods as a lunatic asylum, or to accept as tenant the respectable mistress of a fashionable and prosperous school. They decided in favor of Miss Ladd. The contemplated change in Francine's position was accomplished, in that vast house, without inconvenience.

If Mirabel had something of importance to say to her, she might have avoided exposing herself to Francine's spiteful misconstruction: it would have been easy to arrange with Cecilia that a third person should be present at the interview. While he was absorbed in these reflections, Cecilia embarrassed by the silence was trying to find a topic of conversation.