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'And yet the foolish people lets itself be drawn into their hatreds and divisions, and quarrels about them in public places, and calls itself "franceschino" or "domenichino." The nuns are the exclusive property of the monks.

"And since when has Babbiano been a republic or is it your aim to make it one, and establish yourself as its chief magistrate?" "If you misapprehend me so " began Francesco, but his cousin interrupted him with heightening scorn. "Misapprehend you, Messer Franceschino? No, no. I understand you but too well." He rose suddenly from his interrupted meal, and came a step nearer his cousin.

Who who could it have been, Franceschino?" "How should I know?" returned Francesco, evading the question. "You know so much, Checco mio. Your mind is so quick to fathom matters of this kind. Think you, now, it might have been the Duca Valentino?" Francesco shook his head. "When Caesar Borgia comes he will know no need to resort to such poor means. He will come in arms to reduce you by his might."

You see, my gentle cousin, how transparent your aims become under my eyes. I am keen of vision, Franceschino, keen of vision!" He tapped his nose and chuckled a malicious appreciation of his own acute perceptions. Francesco regarded him with an eye of stony scorn. He might have answered, had he been so disposed, that the Duchy of Babbiano was his to take whenever he pleased.

Here is a man's work to be done, and if I am weak as to-night, I may weaken you, and then we should both be undone. It is upon your strength I count, Franceschino mio, my true knight." He would have answered her. He had much to tell her who and what he was. But she pointed to the head of the steps, where a man's figure loomed. "Yonder comes the sentinel," she said. "Leave me now, dear Francesco.