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Anthony immediately came towards him and received orders that half a dozen horses with grooms should be ready as soon as possible, who were to receive orders from Mr. Richard Frampton, the secretary; and that three or four horses more were to be kept saddled till seven o'clock that evening in case further messages were wanted. "And I desire you, Mr.

There was no girl in Frampton who could hold a candle to her when it came to beauty. As for brains, that is another thing altogether. My private opinion is that Sylvia hadn't any, or she would never have preferred but there, I'm getting on too fast again. Ruggles should have written this story; he can concentrate better. Sylvia was the Latin professor's daughter; she wasn't a Cad girl, of course.

'Let me introduce you, then, to Mr. Thomas Madison! and, as Frampton still stood perplexed, looking at the fine, foreign-looking man, who was keeping in the background, busied with the luggage, Louis continued, 'You cannot credit such a marvel of Peru! 'Young Madison, my Lord! repeated Frampton, slowly coming to his senses. 'No other.

Miss Frampton, with a countenance uninterested and inattentive, affected the carriage of a person who thought herself insulted. Lord Osborne was now announced. He was a young nobleman, that had spent a considerable part of his fortune upon the continent.

'Did not Frampton know that that related to me? said Louis, sotto voce, to his aunt. 'Did he not trust that he was reducing me from a sea anemone to a lump of quaking jelly? So far from this consummation, Lord Fitzjocelyn looked as triumphant as Don Quixote liberating Gines de Pasamonte. He and his father might have sat for illustrations of 'Youth is full of pleasance, Age is full of care,

At least it will have been considered, said Mary. 'True, said Louis; 'but you little know what it is to have a Frampton! If he be a fair sample of prime ministers, no wonder Princes of Wales go into the opposition! 'I thought Frampton was a very valuable superior servant. 'Exactly so. That is the worst of it. He is supreme authority, and well deserves it.

"Quite impossible, Mr. MacRea! I have to think of the servants." "Eh? You have servants!" "Four or five," said I. His eyes seemed ready to start out of his head. "I had opined by the way you opened the door with your own hand " He broke off, and exclaimed: "Four or five servants! It will be a grand practice of yours! Well, go your ways, Dr. Frampton I must e'en study to live up to you."

This was hers, and he who, for religious reasons, had never made friends with or thought well of any of her family, instinctively disliked the money which had come from them, and made few inquiries into the spending of it. Oh! the joy of those first visits to Frampton, when all the shops had seemed to be there for her, and she their natural mistress!

'She would explain nothing to me, she insisted on seeing your lordship; and in fact she was in such a state of agitation that I left her with Mrs. Bowles. Louis lost no time in hurrying into the hall. Charlotte must have followed Frampton without his knowledge, for she was already there; and, springing with clasped hands towards Fitzjocelyn, she cried, sobbing, 'My Lord, my Lord, come to master!

"Very well got up, indeed," said Mr. S , in a voice sufficiently loud for the jury to hear "very effectively managed, upon my word." We were, however, in too good-humor to heed taunts; and as soon as silence was restored, Mr. Frampton briefly stated the case, and I rose to address the jury. My speech was purposely brief, business-like, and confident.