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Bessie rode a little way with her grandfather, and would have ridden farther, but he sent her back with Ranby. Mr. Cecil Burleigh had once expressed a prejudice against foxhunting ladies, and when Mr. Fairfax saw his granddaughter the admiration of the miscellaneous gathering, and her acquaintance claimed by even Mr. Gifford, he adopted it. Bessie was disappointed.

Rid to Muddy Hole and directed paths to be cut for foxhunting." "Feb. 12. Catched 2 foxes." "Feb. 13. Catched 2 more foxes." "Mar. 2. Catched fox with bob'd tail and cut ears after 7 hours chase, in which most of the dogs were worsted." "Dec. 5. Fox-hunting with Lord Fairfax and his brother and Colonel Fairfax. Started a fox and lost it. Dined at Belvoir and returned in the evening."

Give up some of your useless servants, reduce your saddle-horses" my saddle-horses, Dick! "Try if you can live without foxhunting." Foxhunting! "Make your daughter know that she needn't dress like a duchess" poor Kitty's very like a duchess; "and, above all, persuade your lazy, idle, and very self-sufficient son to take to some respectable line of life to gain his living.

Scrutator in his book on Foxhunting points out that "the risks men encounter in the chase are great enough without being subjected to the chance of having their legs broken by a bad-tempered brute at the covert side." I once had the misfortune to see a man's leg broken by a vicious kicker in Leicestershire.

'The captain has nothing to do with that, said Atlee, 'any more than a hound has to discuss the morality of foxhunting his business is the pursuit. 'I don't like your simile, Mr. Atlee, said Nina, while she whispered some words to the captain, and drew him in this way into a confidential talk.

He said that he liked bad weather, and that he was to go foxhunting with friends next week." There was a pause; the General continued: "I wish him much joy, but I don't envy him. Foxhunting is not agreeable." "But it is useful," said Montessuy. The General shrugged his shoulders. "Foxes are dangerous for chicken-coops in the spring when the fowls have to feed their families."

That he was heterodox all the country vicars and foxhunting squires firmly believed; but as to the nature and extent of his heterodoxy there were many different opinions. He seems to have been a Low Churchman of the school of Tillotson, whom he always loved and honoured; and he was, like Tillotson, called by bigots a Presbyterian, an Arian, a Socinian, a Deist, and an Atheist.

My estate was a constant delight; the quaint survivals of feudalism among the tenantry amused me; and though I could not bring myself to pretend an interest in the absurd affectation of foxhunting, I was well received by the county people, whose insularity and aloofness I found greatly exaggerated, perhaps by outsiders not as cosmopolitan as myself.

And Captain Glomax, who, being an itinerary master, had no respect whatever for a country gentleman who didn't preserve, also made a long face and also shook his head. But Lord Rufford, who knew the wisdom of reconciling a newcomer in the county to foxhunting, prevailed and the hounds and men were taken round a part of Bragton Park.

Nor did he limit himself to this, for he entertained company, closed land purchases, sold wheat, and, while a Virginia planter, went foxhunting, on Sunday. It is to be noted, however, that he considered the scruples of others as to the day. Pond." It is of this experience that tradition says the President started to travel, but was promptly arrested by a Connecticut tithing-man.