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Greville and Lady Smithson agreed, they had never expected to meet. She was laughing and talking eagerly, and by and by ran up to Bessie, exclaiming in a patronising tone 'Oh! my dear Miss Bessie, let me introduce you to Mr. Foxholm such a clever literary man. He knows everybody all about everybody and everything. It would be such an advantage! And he has actually made me give him my autograph!

Bessie rejoiced that none of her own people were near to see the patronising manner in which Arthurine introduced her to Mr. Foxholm, a heavily-bearded man, whose eyes she did not at all like, and who began by telling her that he felt as if he had crossed the Rubicon, and entering an Arcadia, had found a Parnassus.

'Do any of you know Miss Arthuret's writing? he said. 'Bessie knows it best, said Susan. He showed a letter. 'That is hers the signature, said Bessie. 'I are not sure about the rest. Why what does it mean? For she read 'The Gap, 2D OCT. 'MRS. RUDDEN, You are requested to pay over to the bearer, Mr. Foxholm, fifty pounds of the rent you were about to bring me to- morrow. I remain, etc.,

Besides, the Admiral was in haste, not thinking it well that Mr. Foxholm should be longer kept under surveillance in the shop, among the bread, bacon, cheeses, shoes, and tins of potted meat. He was then called for; and on his loudly exclaiming that he had been very strangely treated, the Admiral quietly told him that Mrs.