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Have not I told you seventy times over, that everything a man has his coat, his hat, the tumblers he drinks from, nay, his very corporeal existence is absolute marketable capital? What do you call that fourteen-gallon cask, I should like to know?" "A compound of hoops and staves, containing about a quart and a half of spirits you have effectually accounted for the rest."

Accordingly I gave M'Corkindale an unlimited invitation to my lodgings; and, like a good hearty fellow as he was, he availed himself every evening of the license; for I had laid in a fourteen-gallon cask of Oban whisky, and the quality of the malt was undeniable. These were the first glorious days of general speculation.

Accordingly, I gave M'Corkindale an unlimited invitation to my lodgings; and, like a good hearty fellow as he was, he availed himself every evening of the license; for I had laid in a fourteen-gallon cask of Oban whisky, and the quality of the malt was undeniable. These were the first glorious days of general speculation.

Have not I told you, seventy times over, that everything a man has his coat, his hat, the tumblers he drinks from, nay, his very corporeal existence is absolute marketable capital? What do you call that fourteen-gallon cask, I should like to know?" "A compound of hoops and staves, containing about a quart and a half of spirits you have effectually accounted for the rest."