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I said that she was naethin' but a wanton" only this was not the word Whinnie used "a wanton o' Babylon and a temptress o' men and a corrupter o' homes out o' her time and place, bein' naught but a soft shinin' thing that was a mockery to the guid God who made her and a blight to the face o' the open prairie that she was foulin' with her presence.

An' there's catches as yo mun knock away to let 'un go down an' this banksman ee's a devil! he niver so much as walked across to the other shaft to see an' theer was the catches fast an' instead o' goin' down, theer was the cage stuck, an' the rope uncoilin' itsel', and fallin' off the drum an' foulin' the other rope An' then all of a suddent, just as them poor fellows wor nearin' top the drum began to work t'other way run backards, you unnerstan? an' the engineman lost 'is head an' niver thowt to put on t'breaks an' oh!

"There ain't any manner of use in foulin' a stream that you'll want to use all the time. Little bits of food, washin' off the plates, will soon make that water bad if you let them run in there. An' not only is that bad for you, but ef you'll notice, it's the overflow from that little pool that runs down through the meadow."

Well, it might be about seven bells, and my watch below, when I was woke by a most tremenjous bangin' and hullabaloo. We tumbles up mighty sharp, and well we did, for there was one of these country fellows board and board with us, and another foulin' our hawser. Their grapnels came whizzin' aboard; but the first lot couldn't take a hold nohow, and she dropped downstream.

"And that means that Paul, Long Jim and Tom are safe in the cave." "When I left two nights ago, hevin' gone back thar after we separated, they wuz safe, but whether they are now I can't tell. Decidin' that they wuz foulin' the water too much, part o' the band has moved up to a place mighty close to our own snug house.

But restrained, perhaps by his crude though reverent sense of convention, he rose and led the way over to a corner. "I want to tell you, Senator, that as soon as I got on to what this here push was plottin', I wired you askin' an appointment. You'll find the telegram at your house when you go home. I don't stand for no foulin'. I play the game straight.