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"Now, you jus' turn dat ober in you all's minds," said Susan. "More'n free hunderd debbils in chu'ch ebery Sunday, an' we women fotchin 'em. Does anybody s'pose I'se gwine ter b'lieve dat fool talk?" A middle-aged man now lifted up his voice and said: "Ise been thinkin' ober dis h'yar matter and Ise 'cluded dat p'r'aps de words ob de preacher was used in a figgeratous form o' sense.

'Wot you mean, you triflin' sarpint, says she, 'a fotchin' me dat apple wot ain't good fur nuffin but ter make cider wid. Den de sarpint he go fotch her a yaller apple, an' she took one bite an' den says she: 'Go 'long wid ye, you fool sarpint, wot you fotch me dat June apple wot ain't got no taste to it? Den de sarpint he think she like sumpin' sharp, an' he fotch her a green apple.

If she likes green wood for the kitchen fire, and fotchin' it mos' times for herself, that's her business, not mine." "If you do that, Mike, she'll leave," said Phoebe. Mike gave himself a general shrug. "She can't leave," said he, "till Miss Panney tells her she kin." Phoebe laughed and rose.

'Wot you mean, you triflin' sarpint, says she, 'a fotchin' me dat apple wot ain't good fur nuffin but ter make cider wid? Den de sarpint he go fotch her a yaller apple, an' she took one bite, an' den says she: 'Go 'long wid ye, you fool sarpint, wot you fotch me dat June apple wot ain't got no taste to it? Den de sarpint he think she like sumpin' sharp, an' he fotch her a green apple.

"An' ef he is a sheep," added Mason, "he's so hidebound an' so fleece-growed, an' hez been herdin' with the goats in the devil's pastur' so long, thet he hain't wuth fotchin' home to the fold." As soon as the fall wheat-sowing was finished, Abner Dudley resumed his school, but under such changed conditions that he could not feel the same enthusiastic interest as during the previous term.

"Now, you jus' turn dat ober in you all's minds," said Susan. "More'n free hundred debbils in chu'ch ebery Sunday, an' we women fotchin 'em. Does anybody s'pose I's gwine ter b'lieve dat fool talk?" A middle-aged man now lifted up his voice and said: "I's been thinkin' ober dis h'yar matter and I's 'cluded dat p'r'aps de words ob de preacher was used in a figgeratous form o' sense.

I been here heaps of times fotchin' letters fo' Mas'r Tom," added George. "Who were the letters for?" asked the Kentuckian, greatly surprised. "They was fo' that Captain Murrell; seems like him and Mas'r Tom was mixed up in a sight of business." "When was this recently?" inquired Carrington. He was turning this astonishing statement of the slave over in his mind.

"I'll show yuh how she works," Johnny said, proudly. "Mebbe my ijee ain't good for nawthin', but she's the best I could think up. Course, the thieves they hain't fotchin' no lantern along, 'cause they'd be afeared we'd see a movin' light. Then ag'in I don't b'lieve sich slinkers ever does own a lantern."

"Bas," she said, earnestly, "even ef Cal hadn't of come, I couldn't nuver hev wedded with ye. He did come, though, an' in thet way of carin' thar hain't no other man in the world fer me. I kain't never pay ye back fer all thet I'm beholden ter ye ... fer savin' him an' fotchin' him in when thet craven shot him ... fer stayin' a friend when most men would hev got ter be enemies.

"Is he ... is he...?" The girl's question got no further, and the messenger shook his head. "He's dead," came the simple reply. "The other boys air fotchin' him in now." Into the grave near the house the rough pine coffin, which had been knocked together by neighbour hands, was lowered by members of both factions whose peace the dead man had impartially guarded.