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"If they are as beet out as we be they'd be glad to set down on anything a Conference or anything else." And I sez, a-wipin' the presperatin of hard labor from my forwerd, "For the land's sake! Yes! I should think so." And then with giddy heads and strainin' armpits we tackled the meetin' house agin.

And Sister Henzy's mother, old Miss Balch, she is eighty-three years old, and has inflamatery rheumatiz in her hands, which makes 'em all swelled up and painful. But Miss Henzy said a neighbor had offered her five dollars fer the three pairs, and so she felt it wuz her duty to knit 'em, to help the fair along. She is a very strong Methodist, and loved to forwerd the interests of Zion.

"If they are as beet out as we be they'd be glad to set down on anything a Conference or anything else." And I sez, a-wipin' the presperatin of hard labor from my forwerd, "For the land's sake! Yes! I should think so." And then with giddy heads and strainin' armpits we tackled the meetin' house agin.

And Sister Henzy's mother, old Miss Balch, she is eighty-three years old, and has inflamatery rheumatiz in her hands, which makes 'em all swelled up and painful. But Miss Henzy said a neighbor had offered her five dollars fer the three pairs, and so she felt it wuz her duty to knit 'em, to help the fair along. She is a very strong Methodist, and loved to forwerd the interests of Zion.

The road laid peacefuller and beautifuller than ever, or so it seemed under the sunset glory that sort o' hung round it. Jest about half way through the woods we met the English girl, a stridin' along alone, each step more'n 3 feet long, or so it seemed to me. There wuz a look of health, and happy determination on her forwerd as she strided rapidly by.