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Even knew he that the wounded man were about to drop dead, he knows the other would be more than his match, with both his own arms sound and at their best, for they have been already locked in deadly strife with those of the gaucho, who could have taken his life, but generously forebore.

The Geos took his hand. "It is proven!" he declared. Then, to the Rhamdas: "Is there any question, my brothers?" But no word came from the floor. Seemingly superstition had triumphed over all else. The men of learning turned none but reverent faces toward Watson. He forebore to glance at the Bar Senestro. Despite the triumph he was apprehensive of the princes's keen genius.

There was a far-away look in her eyes which did not escape the notice of Grandmother and Aunt Matilda, but they forebore to comment upon it as long as she performed her tasks acceptably. At supper she ate very little, and that little was as dust and ashes in her mouth. Before her, continually, was a heart-breaking contrast.

A careless but not ungrateful monarch, rejoicing doubtless to see his faithful soldier and servant so well provided for, bestowed on him a baronetcy, a portrait by Vandyck of the late king, his father, and the promise of a handsome sum of money, for the payment of which the new baronet forebore to press his royal patron.

And as he did not tell him the meaning of what he saw, he forebore to ask him concerning it. Now the cup that Perceval saw was the Sangreal, and the spear the sacred spear; and afterwards King Pecheur removed with those sacred relics into a far country. One evening Perceval entered a valley, and came to a hermit's cell; and the hermit welcomed him gladly, and there he spent the night.

Game, also, seemed to be abundant but very shy and as we were not particularly hunting that kind of stock, we forebore giving chase or firing at long range. After riding about among the hills back of the Pinaleno ranch and not finding anything we concluded to return home.

Harlowe's eloquent and impassioned pleadings that the rich man's offer was irrevocably accepted, we of course forebore from continuing a useless and irritating resistance.

And as he spake the thought of the House and the garden, and the pleasant fields of Upmeads came into his heart so bitter-sweet, that it mingled with his sorrow, and well-nigh made him weep. But as for Richard he forebore words, for he was sad at heart for the sundering. Then he gat to horse, and the whole company of them bestirred them, and they rode out a-gates.

Harry wriggled with conflicting sensations until he could scarcely stand. At last he burst out: "What is that to you?" "O not much!" replied Mr. Bryce, with an amused look, "only I hold an essay to return to him." Hal grew so white that his employer pitied him, and forebore. "You did not know I was chairman of the committee on the Old South Prizes, did you?" he added in a different tone.

It would not be many minutes before the neighboring rocks were covered; high tide, he knew, was at 3.15 A.M. He forebore to look at his watch, lest the girl should note his action. That would imply the utter abandonment of hope. It might be that his mind was too taken up with the weird influences of the hour, or that Elsie's senses were strung to a superhuman pitch.