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"Load both your guns again," said Alexander, "and then let me have a shot, Major." As soon as the Major's guns were loaded, Alexander took aim and fired. The shot broke the lion's fore-leg, which he raised up with a voice of thunder, and made a spring from the rock toward where our party stood. "Steady now," cried the Major to Bremen, at the same time handing his spare rifle to Alexander.

Coiling himself round he lay quite snug in the bottom of the kettle, while with his fore-leg he managed to put the lid on, so that he was entirely hidden. With a little kick from the inside he started the kettle off, and down the hill it rolled full tilt; and when the fox came up, all that he saw was a large black kettle spinning over the ground at a great pace.

My first thought was to fire at his head; to plant the ball between his eyes: but this is a dangerous experiment. The bear's brain is very small; and, unless you hit that, the bear does not mind a bullet in his head; that is, not at the time. I remembered that the instant death of the bear would follow a bullet planted just back of his fore-leg, and sent into his heart.

So he set a supper fit for a king: the fore-leg of a sheep and the fore-leg of an ox, the egg roasted in ashes, the balls of Charoseth, the three Mitzvoth, and the wine, And by the time the supper was ready the midwife had been summoned, and it was the day of the night of the Seder. Then Israel sent messengers round the Mellah to summon his guests.

The mere weight of impact with the wolf-dingo was sufficient to tell Finn this, and for the infinitesimal fraction of an instant he felt a sense of fatality and doom when his opponent's tremendously powerful jaws closed over the upper part of his right fore-leg. In the next instant Finn had torn one of Lupus's ears in half, and the terrible grip on his leg was relaxed.

And when he was done with that leg, he took the other fore-leg and did the same with it; and when he was done with that, he took the hind-legs first, the off, and then the near leg, and laid them in the furnace, making the shoes red-hot, turning up the ends; filing the heads of the nails, and clenching the points; and after all was done, putting the legs on the horse again.

Then having yawned prodigiously and come somewhat to himself, he proceeded to crawl from under the settee, when, catching sight of Barnabas, he sprang lightly to his feet and greeted him cordially. "Ah, Beverley!" he cried, "how goes it? Glad you woke me was having a devil of a dream. Thought the 'Rascal' had strained his 'off' fore-leg, and was out of the race!

Indeed, their little children almost live on horseback, commencing their training long before they can mount, and overcoming the difficulty of smallness in early youth, by climbing to the backs of their steeds by means of a fore-leg, and not unfrequently by the tail.

Though badly bruised, he gained his feet and tried to mount his crazy beast. But she, poor brute, was done for her off fore-leg hung loose. There was but one thing to do. Jo loosed the cinch, put Lightfoot out of pain, and carried back the saddle to the camp. While the Pacer steamed away till lost to view.

He leaped straight up into the air, with the sorely wounded cousin hanging to his thigh, and Black-tip snapping at his near fore-leg, and in mid-air he twisted his whole great body so that he descended to earth again in a coil, with his mighty jaws closed in the throat of Black-tip's cousin.