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Monsignore Natale himself was hanged, and in his case the public executioner—“Masto Donatoas he was nick-named by the populacegave vent to many pleasantries concerning the episcopal rank of his victim. Blindfolded and with the cord of infamy depending from his neck, the Bishop was led up to the fatal ladder amid deafening shouts ofViva la forca e Masto Donato; Sant’ Antonio sia priato!”

PARSONS. "In the void chasm his trembling tail he showed, As up the envenomed, forked point he swung, Which, as in scorpions, armed its tapering end." "Nel vano tutta sue coda guizzava, Torcendo in su la venenosa forca, Che, a guisa di scorpion, la punta armava." Canto V., line 51: LONGFELLOW. "People whom the black air so castigates. CARY. "By the black air so scourged."

He was both unwilling and unable to withdraw himself from the bad company with whom his ill gotten wealth connected him. He did not consider that bad company leads to the gallows. * * La mala compagnia e quella che mena uomini a la forca. The universal confusion which followed the eruption of Mount Vesuvius was to these villains a time of rejoicing.

Then the patrao shouted to the crew, and they lay on their oars, and the wave with a roar burst right in front of the boat, sending the spray of its crest high above our heads. "Rema! rema forca!" The next roller we had to meet in its strength; and save for the steady force of the patrao's oar, I believe it would have tossed us aside and we would have been swept under its curving wall of water.

The church has a simple old-fashioned appearance; its roof, walls, and small campanile are painted with the rusty gold of lichens that have sprung from the kisses of four centuries of rain and sun. It was erected in the reign of Pope Eugenius IV. by Nicolo da Forca Palena, an ancestor of that Conte di Palena who was a great friend of Torquato Tasso at Naples.