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He wore a sword, and leaned upon a crutch-handled cane, and his figure and aspect indicated a swollen and gouty state. He could not be far from sixty. There was uncommon force in this fierce and forbidding-looking portrait. Lady Mardykes said, "What wonderful dresses they wore! How like a fine magic-lantern figure he looks!

I said, "I love you, black fellows. I go Missionary black fellows far away. I love you, want you rest, get food. They boil water, and I take tea with you, and then you will be strong!" By broken English and by many symbols, I won their ear. They produced tea and damper, i. e. a rather forbidding-looking bread, without yeast, baked on the coals. Their wives hasted to boil water.

There was something so unusual in the attitude of the blooming young girl toward the weather-beaten, forbidding-looking man, something so authoritative and at the same time so protecting, at once the air of a superior who commands and who shelters from the tyranny of others that Wilfred was both amused and touched. "Yes, Bill," said Willock, "make the move. Make 'em know each other."

And as was explained to me afterwards, "our Parisians," for whom the pick of the poultry yard was being reserved, were the two sons of the rather forbidding-looking matron before us, young gentlemen being educated in a Paris Lycee, and both of them destined for the learned professions!

He was a forbidding-looking creature, with a hard face, divided in its expression between evil thoughts and a malicious humor. His general appearance was much that of the rest of the men, with the exception that he made no display of offensive weapons. It was not this, however, that drew Helen in his direction, for she well enough knew that, in fact, he was a perfect gunpark of concealed firearms.

"I remember him perfectly well because he kept his temper when I revoked." "Dear me!" she exclaimed. "He must have taken a fancy to you, then. As a rule, they rather complain about him at bridge." "I formed the impression," Lessingham continued, "that he was rather a better player than the majority of the performers there." Mrs. Johnson, who was a dark and somewhat forbidding-looking lady, smiled.

As Dick still gazed, stern and forbidding-looking, Lacey came slowly back with the thin, elderly lady, and as Mark Frayne saw by his partner's look that someone was approaching, he turned sharply. "Ah, Lacey, old fellow," he said, "I have just been securing Miss Deane for the next dance." "Take off your cap!"

And then it suddenly dawned upon me that I was lying in a bunk in a ship's forecastle, and that the forbidding-looking stranger must be one of the crew. But why was it, I asked myself, that this man was a stranger to me? Why, indeed, was it that all my surroundings were strange to me; for I could not recall that I had ever seen any of them before?

When they reached the hills, Scott headed for a forbidding-looking canyon and urged his horse without ceasing through the rocky wash that strewed its floor. Stanley, with an excellent mount, could have kept well up, but he had put Bucks ahead of him in the safe place of the little procession, and the boy had difficulty in keeping within call of their active leader.

On the 28th the 53rd Division bit farther into the enemy's line in order to cover the right of the 60th Division, which was to continue its advance up the Nablus road towards Bireh. The 158th Brigade captured Anata, and after fighting all day the 1/7th Royal Welsh Fusiliers secured Ras Urkub es Suffa, a forbidding-looking height towering above the storm-rent sides of the wadi Ruabeh.