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Fur a moment he hangs suspended over the abyss, clutchin the vines whose roots take hold on hell, and as with bloodshot eyes and fearful shrieks, he tugs and strains to regain his footin, a foul sarpent winds its way among the leaves, and stealthily strikes his fangs inter the branch to which he clings, and gnaws his last refuge. That air is the way they die.

I felt sick at heart while my companion recited these horrors. "But it's a curious fact," he continued, after a pause, during which we walked in silence towards the spot where we had left our comrades, "it's a curious fact, that wherever the missionaries get a footin' all these things come to an end at once, an' the savages take to doin' each other good, and singin' psalms, just like Methodists."

How 'av we held our footin' here? "'Not well, I am grieved to say, sais he; 'not well. The failure of the United States' Bank, the repudiation of debts by several of our States, the foolish opposition we made to the suppression of the slave-trade, and above all, the bad faith in the business of the boundary question has lowered us down, down, e'en a'most to the bottom of the shaft.

Wall, take the advice of a Amerykin sitterzen, take orf them gownds & don't try to get up a religious fite, which is 40 times wuss nor a prize fite, over Albert Edard, who wants to receive you all on a ekal footin, not keerin a tinker's cuss what meetin house you sleep in Sundays. Go home & mind yure bisness & not make noosenses of yourselves." With which observashuns I left 'em.

Burlingame, y'r anner, the minute I first saw him, sez I, 'Askatoon's no safe place for me. Whin wan like that gits a footin' in a place, the locks can't be too manny to shut ye in whin ye want to sleep at night. That fella's got no pedigree, and if it wouldn't hurt some dacent woman, maybe, I'd say he was misbegotten.

His long gray mustache hung far below his stubble-covered chin; there was a pallor of a lingering sickness in his skin, which the hot sun could not sere out of it. He sat dispiritedly on his broken seat, sagging forward with forearms across his thighs. "Footin' it over to Ascalon?" he asked, as the traveler mounted beside him. "Yes sir, I'm headin' that way." "Come fur?"

"An' I was thinkin' ye'd be gettin' lonesome by now. You'll not be mindin' bein' alone when you gets used to un. It's all gettin' used t' un." "An' what's th' signs o' fur? Be there much marten signs?" "Aye, some. Looks like un goin' t' be some. An' be there much signs on th' Big Hill trail? Dick says there's a lot o' footin' his way." "I has one marten," said Bob proudly, "an' finds good signs."

He deliberately put on his hat, walked up to his honor, and said, "I say, jedge, I reckon you fellers 'ill give me 'nough money to ride hum an' pay fer my grub, 'cause 'tain't fair, noway. You fetched me clar down yere, footin' it the hull way, an' now you're lettin' me off an' tellin' me to foot it back. 'Tain't fair, noway. You-uns oughter pay me fer it."

"Nobody’s got it straight outta him yet. Army patrol picked him up on th’ road close to townlooked like he’d been footin’ it quite a spell. An’ by that time he didn’t know wot he was doin’. Nye got him to Doc’s an’ they put him to bed. He ain’t said much, ’cept Kitchell jumped him down Long Canyon way——" "Kitchell!" Hunt Rennie repeated the name and nodded.

Such a barren was that where the wolf fight had taken place, and where Toby had caught his fox. "This band, I'm thinkin', is on the barrens to the nuth'ard of the mesh, where you fights the wolves," said Skipper Zeb. "The footin' goes that way. We'll have a look in the marnin'."