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Mind you write to me twice a week at the very least," replied Lucille, and added: "Bet you that silly cat Amelia Harringport is in your pocket all to-morrow afternoon and evening. All the Harringport crowd are coming from Folkestone, you know. If you run the clock-golf she'll adore clock-golf, and if you play tennis she'll adore tennis.... Can't think what she sees in you...."

A few days later I again heard Dawling on my stairs, and even before he passed my threshold I knew he had something to tell me. "I've been down to Folkestone it was necessary I should see her!" I forget whether he had come straight from the station; he was at any rate out of breath with his news, which it took me however a minute to interpret. "You mean that you've been with Mrs. Mel-drum?"

Member for Wootton Basset, in this county: while we observe with indignation and regret, that the name of neither of the Members for this county does appear in that honourable list: and we also lament that, with the exception of Lord Folkestone, William Hussey, Thomas Goddard, and Benjamin Walsh, Esquires, we do not recognise in that list the names of any of the THIRTY-FOUR Members who are sent to Parliament by the various boroughs in this county.

"As I told you," replied Ferrand, "there 's nothing to be done at Folkestone, though I should have stayed there if I had had the money to defray certain expenses"; and again he seemed to reproach his patron with the omission of that cheque. "They say things will certainly be better at the end of the month.

No doubt some devilish plot was underlying the acceptance of the high police official's invitation to the staff dinner. Its nature became revealed a few days later when, on opening my newspaper one morning, being still at Folkestone waiting in patience, I read a paragraph which aroused within me considerable interest.

Here the great junction of Medina Sidonia with the Duke of Parma was to be effected; and now at last the curtain was to rise upon the last act of the great drama so slowly and elaborately prepared. That Saturday afternoon, Lord Henry Seymour and his squadron of sixteen lay between Dungeness and Folkestone; waiting the approach of the two fleets.

At twenty minutes from two a steamboat full of excursionists from Folkestone, decked with flags from stem to stern, sends a volley of rattling cheers across the water, and fair hands flutter handkerchiefs in honor of Captain Boyton, who runs up the stars and stripes in acknowledgement of their hearty encouragement.

"The gentleman who did not arrive last night?" he remarked. I nodded. "I travelled up with them," I said, "from Folkestone, and certainly Mr. Delora's behavior was a little peculiar as we neared London. He seemed nervous, and anxious to quit the train at the earliest possible moment.

But the doctor at Folkestone he was a Catholic I took such care about that! told me I mustn't fast. And Laura is always worrying me. But indeed I didn't want to be dispensed! not yet!" Laura said nothing; nor did Helbeck. There was a certain embarrassment in the looks of both, as though there was more in Mrs. Fountain's words than appeared.

No other attack was made by a German submarine on the course between Folkestone and Dieppe at the time of the Sussex incident. "From this the German Government are obliged to assume that the sinking of the Sussex is to be set down to other causes than attack by a German submarine.