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I wonder how the Fogers ever found us?" "They must have followed our trail, though how we'll never know and they came up to where Delazes and his men were, joined forces with them, and hunted about until they found the temple," remarked Tom. "Then they saw the opening, went down, and found the stone door."

It was an ideal place to camp, though very lonesome. "Now, Ned, let's cut a lot of branches, and pile them over the airship," suggested Tom. "Cover over the airship? What for?" "So that in case anyone flies over our heads they won't look down and see us. If the Fogers, or any of the smugglers, should happen to pass over this place, they'd spot us in a minute. We've got to play foxy on this hunt."

Ned explained how he had been pounced upon by two men when he was fishing, and told how without a chance to warn his friends, he had been gagged and bound and taken to the headquarters of the smugglers in Canada, just over the border. They went by carriages. Then the Fogers, who, it seemed, were hand in glove with the law violators, saw him, and identified him.

In fact they were glad of the very loneliness, and Tom and Ned actually looked about apprehensively as they emerged, fearing they might see a sign of the Mexicans or the Fogers. "Guess they can't pick up our trail," said Tom, when, he saw of what Ned was thinking. "No, we've got the place to ourselves. I wonder how long it will take for the air to get fresh?" "Not so very long, I guess.

They were just getting ready to go into a cheerless camp for the night, when Tom, who was a little in advance, looked ahead. "Ned, do I see something or is it only a vision?" he asked. "What does it look like?" asked his chum. "Like Eskimos on sleds." "That's what it is," agreed Ned, after an observation. "Maybe it's the Fogers, or some of the savage Indians."

"There's Andy Foger and his father!" cried Ned. "They've gone and got a lot of Eskimos to help them drive us away." "That's right!" admitted Tom. "I guess we're in for it now!" With a rush the natives, led by the Fogers, came on. They were yelling now. An instant later they began firing their guns. "It's a fierce attack!" cried Tom. "Into the ice cave for shelter!

"While we were off over the river, watching for the smugglers, they were turning a trick here, and giving us a warning into the bargain. We should have stayed around here. I wonder if it was Andy's airship that was used?" "We can easily find that out," said Mr. Whitford. "I have a detective stationed in a house not far from where the Fogers live.

When night closed in they could see the gleam of a campfire, kindled by the Foger party, at the gold-pocket, from bits of the scrubby trees that grew in that frigid clime. "They're going to stay on guard," announced Tom. "We can't get it away from them to-night." Though Abe had spoken of some plan to regain the advantage the Fogers had of them, the old miner was not quite ready to propose it.

Tom told of their trip, and the wait they had decided on, and asked: "What about the new clew; the Fogers?" "I'm sorry to say it didn't amount to anything. I ran it down, and came to nothing." "You know Andy has a new airship?" "Yes. I had men on the trail of it. They say Andy is agent for a firm that manufactures them, but I have my doubts. I haven't given up yet.

An examination of the door showed how the lock had been forced, and the adventurers could easily guess the rest. But who the midnight vandal was they could not tell, though Tom and the others were sure it was some one hired by the Fogers. "They wanted to delay us," said Tom. "They thought this would hold us back, but it won't for long. We'll get right to work, and make new planes and rudders.