United States or New Caledonia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

This is not in any sense a movement in space; it is simply that the steady process of withdrawal has now passed beyond even the finest kind of astral matter; so that the man's consciousness is focussed in the mental world.

The Brittany coast was a long, flat, green band; the rocks of Cancale were brown, but scarcely higher in point of elevation than the sand-hills; the Normandy forests and orchards were rippling lines that focussed into the spiral of the Avranches cathedral spires: floating between the two blues, hung the aerial shapes of the Chaunsey and the Channel Islands; and nearer, along the coast-line, were the fringing edges of the shore, broken with shoals and shallows earth's fingers, as it were, touching the sea playing, as Coleridge's Abyssinian maid fingered the dulcimer, that music that haunts the poet's ear.

See that diaphragm stop is set at the proper opening for the light you will have. See that the distance is correctly focussed. There are cameras, however, that are of universal focus and do not need adjustment. These are convenient ones for the trail, as they are always ready and can be used quickly. Being small, they are also light to carry. =Be Economical with Your Films=

I can tell him the rest when the others are not about; and do you know, I think I have heard him speak of some one who might back this kind of scheme?" Oh, crafty woman! Do you think the kindly eyes behind those strongly focussed glasses did not bore in behind your guarded words? Just once did she interrupt his quick run of explanations.

"No less than three times I have had the idea that something, or some one, has just dropped out of sight, behind us, as I focussed...." "What do you mean, Smith?" "Are we" he glanced about him as though the vastness were peopled with listening Chinamen "followed?" Silently we looked into one another's eyes, each seeking for the dread which neither had named.

At the time, it was to me only a seething, dimly phosphorescent cloud of fungous loathsomeness, enveloping and dissolving to an abhorrent plasticity the one object on which all my attention was focussed.

"Yep, he's one of the sort," taking care to keep his smile focussed on the man, who although he was going in the opposite direction was able to keep his eye on Tavia. "You see they are the most suspicious set takes a man a lifetime to know them, a woman an eternity, and then she has to depend upon their good nature." Tavia smiled, and hurried the old horse until his ears "sassed her back."

So tenacious of impressions was Nehemiah that it was the violin in those alien hands which still focussed his attention as he stared gaspingly about. Leander was not here; probably had never been here; and the twanging of those strings had lured him to his fate. Well might he contemn the festive malevolence of the violin's influence!

Closer came the reeling City. I fumbled for my lenses, focussed them upon it. Now I saw that where the radiant lances struck they killed the blocks blackened under them, became lustreless; the sparkling of the tiny eyes went out; the metal carapaces crumbled. Closer to the City came the Monster; shuddering I lowered the glasses that it might not seem so near.

And Ethel now began to feel the whole vast bustling ardent town centred on what in her high-school club, as they read Bernard Shaw, they had quite frankly and solemnly spoken of as "Sex." All the work and the business, the scheming and planning and rush for money, were focussed on this. And for this she was attracting those swift admiring glances.