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By it I've kep' up the po' of Cottontown. I've puzzled an' wonder'd I've thought of a dozen fo'ks but I sed nothin' was it you?" The outlaw smiled: "It come from the rich an' it went to the po'. Come," he said "that's somethin' we must settle." He took up the lantern and led the way into the other room.

The old man straightened up, pointed skyward. "Lowd deliver yunna bocra when yer call befo' de bar. Dese niggers ain't su'prise at po' white trash; dey do enyting. But yunna fus class white fo'ks " "Well, Guy," broke in the Mayor, "it was hard for us to resort to such, but it was in self-defense." "Self-defense! self-defense!" repeated the old man.

When Patsy Ann awakened, the matter was explained to her, and with penitent tears she confessed her sins. "But," she said to Maria Adams, "ef you's de kin' of fo'ks dat dey mek step-mothahs out o' I ain' gwine to bothah my haid no mo'." Fifteen There was a great commotion in that part of town which was known as "Little Africa," and the cause of it was not far to seek.

Yet these meetings amid a crowd of young people were very unsatisfactory. "I reckon Betsy holds herse'f above common fo'ks, now she's visitin' 'mong the big bugs," Abner heard Mrs. Rogers say one day in answer to Lucy's remark that Betsy never came to see them now. "No, ma," Susan ventured, "Betsy is not one to change. She loves us as well as ever, I feel sure."

The 'coon was silent, but doubtless his eyes glowed maliciously as he squatted on a limb or in'a fork and surveyed the yelping crew below. "I sees 'im!" exclaimed one of the negroes, pointing upward, 'right on dat 'ere limb nigh whar it fo'ks, sah. Dat Mistah Coon, foh suah, 'deed it am!" exclaimed the discoverer.

"Hello dar, Calvin Sauls!" said a gruff voice. "Where is you sneakin' ter? You got er few uv us fool, but not all. Goin' down ter tell wa't you foun' out at de committee meet'n, eh?" "O, g'wan way f'm me, man; I got dese white fo'ks bizness ter ten' ter." The man seized Sauls and held on to him. "Look er here, some women waited at de corner of Red Cross an' Fourth street to beat yo' las' night."

Lark and bee were on the wing; squirrels ran up and down the trunk of a big elm, leaping from branch to branch, where redbird, thrush and linnet were making the woods merry with their morning concert. On Friday the campers returned to their homes, and Cane Ridge neighborhood settled down to its usual routine. "It's high time thet fo'ks should come to ther senses," said Mrs.

"Bisco," said the leader, "we cum heah to pay you back fur de blood you drawed frum our backs whilst you hilt de whip ob slabery an' oberseed fur white fo'ks.

"She has a rule in dis house dat nobody can use huh chiny or fo'ks or spoons who ain't boa'ding heah, and de odder day when yuh asked me to bring up a knife and fo'k she ketched me coming upstairs, and she says, 'Where yuh goin' wid all dose things, Annie? Ah said, 'Ah'm just goin' up to Miss Laura's room with dat knife and fo'k. Ah said, 'Ah'm goin' up for nothin' at all, Mis' Farley, she jest wants to look at them, Ah guess. She said, 'She wants to eat huh dinner wid 'em, Ah guess. Ah got real mad, and Ah told her if she'd give me mah pay Ah'd brush right out o' here; dat's what Ah'd do, Ah'd brush right out o' here."