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But since Choulette interests you, listen to his latest adventure. Paul Vence related it to me. I understand it better in this street, where there are shirts and flowerpots at the windows.

Here were no flowerpots in the windows or pictures on the walls, as at Petra's; but good, thick furs with woven backs hung over the doors, and the children looked healthy and well-fed. The neighbors all knew I lived at Petra's house; every visitor to this district lived at Petra's house had done so as long as they could remember.

On every window sill there are flowerpots, for the Swiss are very fond of flowers. In every village in Switzerland there is a school. The Swiss have very good schools. The boys and girls must go to school when they are six years old. They learn all that we learn in our schools. There are also schools where the boys are taught trades. The boys and girls go to school only eight months in the year.

But the occasions when he did this are a handful of passages in a body of writing as large as the Bible. Just as Browning could not stop, so he found it hard to begin. His way of beginning is to seize the end of the thread just where he can, and write down the first sentence. "She should never have looked at me, If she meant I should not love her!" "Water your damned flowerpots, do "

It's twenty minutes past six, and the table d'hote's on time." "You don't mean to say you dine at the table d'hote!" Mr. Flack cried. "Why, don't you like that?" and Francie's candour of appeal to their comrade's taste was celestial. "Well, it isn't what you must build on when you come to Paris. Too many flowerpots and chickens' legs." "Well, would you like one of these restaurants?" asked Mr.

The only visible articles in the room were those on the window-sill, which showed their shapes against the low sky, the middle article being the old hourglass, and the other two a pair of ancient British urns which had been dug from a barrow near, and were used as flowerpots for two razor-leaved cactuses. Somebody knocked at the door. The servant was out; so was her grandfather.

The outside lap of lead should finish at the point on the circumference where the first lap began, for the weight to be approximately symmetrical about the centre. An alternative method is to melt up scrap lead and cast weights in tins or flowerpots sunk in sand, using an accurately centred stick as the core.

Then we got into a very mean quarter of the town, and emerged in a dingy garden, strewn with tin cans and broken flowerpots. By a back door we entered one of the cottages and my guide very carefully locked it behind him. He lit the gas and drew the blinds in a small parlour and looked at me long and quizzically. He spoke now in an educated voice.

His imagination had been stirred in boyhood by watching a common country potter turn off bowls and flowerpots that sprang from the wheel in exquisite, concentric forms or like opening lilies of red earth. Here, he had said to himself, is the beginning of everything we call art here must have been the first intimation to man that beauty could be an element in the work of his own fingers.

These being thrown open, we entered a paved court-yard, decorated with shrubs and antique flowerpots, with a ruined stone fountain in the centre. The whole approach resembled that of an old French chateau.