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Only Una was not sexless. Though she hadn't the dancing-girl's oblivious delight in pleasure, though her energetic common sense and willingness to serve had turned into a durable plodding, Una was alive, normal, desirous of love, as the flower-faced girl grind of the college so often is not, to the vast confusion of numerous ardent young gentlemen.

When I come over here I feel natural, but I'm not happy. I'd like to make love to to that flower-faced girl. And I'm not ashamed to own it. I've told Molly, my wife, and she understands. As for Joe, it's much harder for him. Joe never has had a wife or sweetheart. I tell you he's sick, and if I'd stay here a month I'd be sick."

Somehow she felt it and was comforted. He was that way with everybody. It was what made him so beloved in his parish, which comprised the whole Valley, that and his great sincerity and courage. But always his sense of understanding seemed keenest with this flower-faced girl of his.

But Horace was waiting with anxiety for Marcia Meadow singing her song about a Jazz-bound Blundering Blimp. When she did appear, radiant under a floppity flower-faced hat, a warm glow settled over him, and when the song was over he did not join in the storm of applause. He felt somewhat numb.

'Then, the more must I respect it, Count Orso replies. The audience gave Austria credit for that much in a short murmur. Michiella's aside, 'Till anger seizes him I wait! created laughter; it came in contrast with an extraordinary pomposity of self-satisfaction exhibited by Count Orso the flower-faced, tun-bellied basso, Lebruno. It was irresistible. He stood swollen out like a morning cock.

'Then, the more must I respect it, Count Orso replies. The audience gave Austria credit for that much in a short murmur. Michiella's aside, 'Till anger seizes him I wait! created laughter; it came in contrast with an extraordinary pomposity of self-satisfaction exhibited by Count Orso the flower-faced, tun-bellied basso, Lebruno. It was irresistible. He stood swollen out like a morning cock.

Framed in carved stone, the quaint old garden with its gravelled paths, its weedless turfs and its background of ivy-hung walls, lay before them like a picture. In the longest of the oval spaces, a group of maidens and warriors were gathered to watch a wonderful flower-faced woman play at quoits under the instruction of a noble tutor.

With this, there were frequent irruptions of closely-shaven and tightly-cravated men, and delicate, flower-faced women, in the one long street of Five Forks, and a scampering of mules, and an occasional procession of dusty brown-linen cavalry.

He recalled something that he had seen when the rearing horse had inclined perilously towards the footway that protecting maternal gesture, that swift interposition of the tall, active, black-robed figure between the white-clad, flower-faced, girlish creature and those threatening iron-shod hoofs.... "She loves the girl Dick Mildare's daughter by the treacherous friend who stole him from her.

Judge Gatchell's nephews and nieces, brought by that punctilious gentleman to call upon Miss Alicia Gaines, found her enchanting and cried it to the circumambient air. It was as if the voice of April had summoned the cohorts of Spring. For fresh-faced boys of a sudden appeared in increasing numbers; and flower-faced girls came fluttering into Hynds House like butterflies.