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He observed that it was the best time to cut down the tree, as the leaves were covered with a whitish dust, which was a sign that the flower-bud was about to appear, and that the sago, or pith within the stem, was then most abundant it being intended by nature for the support of the flowers and fruit.

The stem rises in a serpentine curve, and terminates in a flower-bud, which opens with a sigh of delight when the sun strikes upon it, and fills the air with its perfume." "A sigh, did you say?" "Yes, a low sweet sound resembling a sigh. The flower is white 'living white' that is to say, white shot with many colours like the opal. We call it the Sun Lily, or 'Flower of the Soul."

The small joints separate very easily from the branches, and every one of them will root and grow into a plant. There is something very remarkable in the development of the fruits of this kind. A small branch, or joint, grows to its full length, and a flower-bud appears in the apex.

"Well, then, my Catharine, the bride and wife of my future, what then are you speaking to me of Elizabeth? of this little princess, who sighs for love as the flower-bud for the sun, and takes the first man whom she finds in her way for the sun after which she pines? What care we for Elizabeth, my Catharine? And what have we to do with that child in this hour of long-wished-for reunion?"

We have seen that the fruit-spur in bearing is likely to make a leaf-bud for the next year's activities rather than a flower-bud. It is assumed that the making of a flower-bud requires more energy than the making of a plain leaf-bud; if this is true, there may not be energy enough to carry a flower-cluster and to make a new flower-bud at the same time.

For a dozen years the maguéy plant stores away starchy food in its long, thick, sharp-pointed leaves. It is the intended nourishment for a great shaft of flowers. Finally, the flower-bud forms amid the cluster of leaves.

But behold! the tiny flower-bud of the fern reddened and moved as though alive. It was a marvel in truth. It grew larger and larger, and glowed like a burning coal. The tiny stars of light flashed up, something burst softly, and the flower opened before his eyes like a flame, lighting the others about it. "Now is the time," thought Peter, and extended his hand.

Behold! the tiny flower-bud crimsons, and moves as though alive. It is a marvel, in truth. It moves, and grows larger and larger, and flushes like a burning coal. The tiny star flashes up, something bursts softly, and the flower opens before his eyes like a flame, lighting the others about it. "Now is the time," thought Petro, and extended his hand.

Her child was so like her both in countenance and manner that he was too constantly reminded of her unlamented mother; and he loved neither enough to discover that, in a sense as true as marvellous, the child was the very flower-bud of her mother's nature, in which her retarded blossom had yet a chance of being slowly carried to perfection.

He had found his presence everywhere more needful, that he might be so much less at home. Czipra could not bear the agony long. Once finding Lorand alone, she turned to him in wanton sarcasm. "Indeed?" said Lorand, caressing the girl's round chin, for all the world as if he was touching some delicate flower-bud. "Why all this tenderness at once?