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But we shall have got over this discomfort on the day when we have accepted the ostensible occasion as merely and frankly ostensible, and the real one as having nothing to do with it. Florentia. I don't follow you. As I'm one of the squeezed, gaping public, I must be dense and vulgar. You do, by-the-way, immense injustice to that body. They do care for character care much for it.

By this increase, the place became so filled with dwellings, that it might with propriety be enumerated among the cities of Italy. There are various opinions concerning the derivation of the word Florentia.

When Florentia said in her charming way Florentia. Here's my dreadful speech at last. Dorriforth. When you said that you went to the Théâtre Libre in the afternoon because you couldn't spare an evening, I recognized the death-knell of the drama. Time, the very breath of its nostrils, is lacking.

It was all extremely quiet and comfortable, and I don't in the least recognize Dorriforth's lurid picture of the dreadful conditions. There was no scenery at least not too much; there was just enough, and it was very pretty, and it was in its place. Dorriforth. And what else was there? Florentia. There was very good acting. Amicia.

The two great Etruscan highways the coast or Aurelian road from Rome to Pisa and Luna, which was in course of formation in 631, and the Cassian road leading by way of Sutrium and Clusium to Arretium and Florentia, which seems not to have been constructed before 583 may as Roman public highways belong only to this age.

In other words, we live their experience, for the time, and that's hardly escaping from life. Florentia. I'm not at all particular as to what you call it. Call it an escape from the common, the prosaic, the immediate. Dorriforth. You couldn't put it better. That's the life that art, with Auberon's permission, gives us; that's the distinction it confers.

The sooner we recognize it the sooner to sleep, the sooner we get clear of misleading illusions and are purged of the bad blood that disappointment makes. It's a pity, because the theatre after every allowance is made might have been a fine thing. At all events it was a pleasant it was really almost a noble dream. Requiescat! Florentia. I see nothing to confirm your absurd theory.

It gave, what a judicious mise-en-scène should always do, the essence of the matter, and left the embroidery to the actors. Florentia. At the "Merry Wives," where you could see your hand before your face, I could make out the embroidery. Dorriforth. Could you, under Falstaff's pasteboard cheeks and the sad disfigurement of his mates? There was no excess of scenery, Auberon says.

There is something indeed that you can't pick out, for the very good reason that in any serious sense of the word it isn't there. Florentia. The public has taste, then, if it recognizes and delights in a fine picture. Dorriforth. I never said it hadn't, so far as that goes. The public likes to be amused, and small blame to it.

It has been well said, 'We almost touch the tyrant with our finger. Cicero soon afterwards left Rome, probably from fear of Sulla. Whole towns were put up for auction, says one writer, such as Spoletum, Praeneste, Interamna, and Florentia. By this we may understand that they lost all their land, their privileges, and public buildings, perhaps even the houses themselves.