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The splashing and trickling of taps, the flip-flap of wet slippers on a wet floor, and the low murmur of conversation, filtered through glass doors, made an appropriately drowsy accompaniment to the scene. A new-comer fluttered into the room, beamed at one of the occupants, and settled himself with an air of elaborate languor in a long canvas chair.

The cockroach came out to breakfast, and we never saw a person that seemed to enjoy the meal any more than the cockroach did. It seemed as though he couldn't get enough paste. Pretty soon he put one hand to his head and looked crosseyed. He tried to climb down off the paste-dish, and fell over himself and turned a flip-flap on the blotting paper.

It was a few moments later, as they moved slowly towards the Flip-Flap which had seemed to both of them a fitting climax for the evening's emotions that Arthur, fumbling in his waist-coat pocket, produced a small slip of paper. 'What's that? Maud asked. 'Read it, said Arthur. 'It's from Home Moments, in answer to a letter I sent them.

He hadn't gone very far before he noticed a grasshopper moving along so swiftly that the old gentleman rabbit could hardly see the legs go flip-flap. My, but that grasshopper did hippity-hop! "Hold on there, if you please!" called Uncle Wiggily. "What is your hurry. Are you late for school?"

Why, you'd have done it splendidly if you had dived off the rock instead of going in flip-flap like a sole out of a basket. I'll show you how to do it." "You'd better take my word for it that it can't be done. Let's wait till the tide's low enough, and then swim out in daylight." "You wait till I get out of my uniform," said the middy, stubbornly, "I'll show you, my fine fellow.

From the house could be heard the swish of the maids' brooms brushing the tatami, and the flip-flap of their paper flickers, like horses' tails, with which they dislodged the dust from the walls and cornices. A big black crow had been perched on one of the cherry-trees in the garden. He rose with a shaking of branches and a flapping of broad black wings.