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"No," said the woman with an almost masculine surliness of tone. "I got nothing to say." She pushed them into the attic, and, closing the door, fastened it with a stout wooden bar. Beyond that door, which seemed to have closed on every hope, Betty held the tallow dip aloft, and by its uncertain and flickering light surveyed her prison. The briefest glance sufficed.

Standing high in his class meant something in Phil's case, for the boy was obliged to work at whatever he could find to do after school hours, his uncle compelling him to contribute something to the household expenses every week. His duties done, Phil was obliged to study far into the night, under the flickering light of a tallow candle, because oil cost too much.

Oh! how cold she was, icy, cold as death! The torch of life was flickering, but he would not could not must not let it die out: and with all the care, rapidity and decision of the most capable man, he once more raised her, lifted her in both arms as if she were a child, and carried her straight to the house whose white walls he could see gleaming among the shrubs behind the terrace.

As one walked towards the battlefield, the weirdly shattered woods and battered houses stood out almost all the time against one continuous band of flickering light along the eastern skyline. Most of it was far away to the east of our part of the battlefield in some French or British sector on the far right.

"God bless you, my boy, and good-night." There was a warm hand-clasp, and Cardo left his father sitting by the flickering candle, which had burnt down to its socket. A blue mug containing a little over half a pint. Dear sweetheart. "Oh, dear! what shall I do?"

The moonlight flickering along their spears, played upon their features and made them ghastly; the chilly night wind tossed their tall and hearse-like plumes. There they lay in wild confusion, with arms outstretched and twisted limbs; their stern, stalwart forms looking weird and unhuman in the moonlight. "How many of these do you suppose will be alive at this time to-morrow?" asked Sir Henry.

Maria Champneys turned her head on her pillow, and stared at her son with eyes he didn't know for his mother's. They were full of a flickering light, as of a lamp going out. "'Though I walk through the valley " Here her voice, a mere thin trickle of sound, failed her. As if pressed by an invisible hand her head began to bend forward.

He looked at her under flickering eyelids. "I have said it," he remarked. Her resistance flagged, sank, rose again, and finally died away. After all, why should she hesitate? What was there in such an undertaking as this to send the blood so wildly to her heart? "Very well," she said faintly at last. "I promise. But but I never shall change my mind, Nick never never."

The gates remained open, and as darkness fell, a lighted torch was thrust in a wrought iron receptacle near the entrance at the outside, throwing a fitful, flickering glare under the archway and into the deserted court.

To-day it seemed to me, as I walked among the crowds, fantastic in the flickering flames of bonfires and incandescent light, that life had done its cruel worst to these people had written her bitterest tokens of suffering and woe in the deeply furrowed faces and sullenly hopeless eyes.