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The General was listening now to such a song; a mysterious music unknown to all other ears, as the solitary plaint of some mateless bird dying alone in a virgin forest. "Great Heavens! what are you playing there?" he asked in an unsteady voice. "The prelude of a ballad, called, I believe, Fleuve du Tage." "I did not know that there was such music in a piano," he returned.

Yet, although he begins by doubting that the Coango and the Zaire are the same waters, he ends by recognizing the fact, and his map justly lays down the Fleuve Couango dit Zaire a son embouchure. Whether the tale of the mulatto surveyor be fact or not is of little matter: the adventurer had an evident inkling of the truth.

The suspicion aroused in the General's heart became all but a certainty with the vague reminiscence of a sad, delicious melody, the air of Fleuve du Tage. The woman he loved had played the prelude to the ballad in a boudoir in Paris, how often! and now this nun had chosen the song to express an exile's longing, amid the joy of those that triumphed. Terrible sensation!

Il y construisit un fort situe a 350 lieues au-dela du fort de Frontenac, et suivant ensuite le cours de cette riviere, il trouve qu'elle se jettoit dans un grand fleuve appelle par ceux du pays Missisippi, c'est a dire grande eau, environ cent lieues audessous du fort qu'il venoit de construire." This fort was Fort Crevecoeur, built in 1680, near the site of Peoria.

This alleged consent is, of course, mere farce. If there could be any doubt as to the meaning of the words of La Salle, as recorded in the Proces Verbal de la Prise de Possession de la Louisiana, it would be set at rest by Le Clercq, who says, "Le Sieur de la Salle prit au nom de sa Majeste possession de ce fleuve, de toutes les rivieres qui y entrent, et de tous les pays qu'elles arrosent."

A work prepared when the author was contemplating a journey to the Himalaya and mountains of Thibet. XIII. Carte du Fleuve Orenoque. Presented to the Academy of Sciences in 1817.

The Mississippi is called "Missisipi, ou Riviere Colbert;" the Missouri, "Grande Riviere des Emissourittes, ou Missourits;" the Illinois, "Riviere des Ilinois, ou Macopins;" the Ohio, which La Salle had before called by its present name, "Fleuve St. Many smaller streams are designated by names which have been entirely forgotten.

Après y avoir fait les pélerinages qui sont d'usage pour les pélerins, nous fîmes ceux de la montagne Jésus jeûna quarante jours; du Jourdain, il fut baptisé; de l'église de Saint-Jean, qui est près du fleuve; de celle de Sainte-Marie-Madelaine et de Sainte-Marthe, notre Seigneur ressuscita le Ladre (Lazare); de Bethléem, il prit naissance; du lieu naquit Saint-Jean-Baptiste; de la maison de Zacharie; enfin de Sainte-Croix, crût l'arbre de la vraie croix: après quoi nous revînmes

The French are better off than we; they have the word "fleuve" for the St. Lawrence; other streams are "rivières." Almost daily, at high water, one may watch small schooners which carry on the St. Lawrence trade head up the bay. They work in close to shore, drop their anchors and wait for the tide to go out.

Jolliet . . . Jolliet . . . O, Jolliet, what splendid faery quel spectacle féérique dream Dut frapper ton regard, quand Met thy regard, when on that ta nef historique mighty stream, Bondit sur les flots d'or du Bursting upon its lonely grand fleuve inconnu unknown flow, Quel éclair triomphant,