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"They are waiting, Noni. Go quicker! They want to feast to-night, Noni! But I must tell you, Noni, that they " HAGGART Did you say something, Flerio? Yes, yes, everything is ready. I am coming. I think I am not quite through yet with land. This is such a remarkable land, Flerio; the dreams here drive their claws into a man like thorns, and they hold him.

"I am thinking of how they are hanging him and I am laughing. O, Haggart, O, my noble Haggart! Your wrath is the wrath of God, do you know it? No. You are strange, you are dear, you are terrible, Haggart, but I am not afraid of you. Give me your hand, Haggart, press it firmly, firmly. Here is a powerful hand!" "Flerio, my friend, did you hear what he said? He says the sea never lies."

Haggart, swear that it was you who said it: 'The rope broke. Swear that my eyes have not grown blind and that they see Khorre alive. Swear that this is your hand, Haggart!" Silence. The voice of the sea is growing louder there is the splash and the call and the promise of a stern caress. "I swear." Silence. Khorre and Flerio come up to Haggart. "All's ready, Captain," says Flerio.

I can almost see how the rope snapped, and you came down like a sack. Flerio, old friend, I feel like saying something funny, but I have forgotten how to say it. How do they say it? Remind me, Flerio. What do you want, sailor?" Khorre whispers to him hoarsely: "Noni, be on your guard. The rope broke because they used a rotten rope intentionally. They are betraying you! Be on your guard, Noni.

I love you, Mariet, as I love fire. Eh, Flerio, comrade!" He shouts cheerfully: "Eh, Flerio, comrade! Have you prepared a salute?" "I have, Captain. The shores will tremble when our cannons speak." "Eh, Flerio, comrade! Don't gnash your teeth, without biting no one will believe you. Did you put in cannon balls round, east-iron, good cannon balls?

Did you hear me give orders to kill this man?" "No, Captain." "You may go." He paces back and forth again, and then calls: "Flerio! Have you ever heard the sea lying?" "No." "If they can't find a tree, order them to choke him with their hands." He paces back and forth again. Mariet is laughing quietly. "Who is laughing?" asks Haggart in fury. "I," answers Mariet.

"Take them all away! Boatswain! Whistle for everybody to go aboard. The time is up! Flerio! Get the boats ready." "Yes, yes." Khorre whistles. The sailors disperse unwillingly, and the same threatening voice sounds somewhere from the darkness: "I thought at first it was the dead man who started to speak. But I would have answered him too: 'Lie there! The rope broke."

That's how it sounds." "I shall curse you, Haggart. Do you know! I shall curse you, Haggart. And little Noni will curse you, Haggart Haggart!" Haggart exclaims cheerfully and harshly: "Eh, Khorre. You, Flerio, my old friend. Come here, give me your hand Oh, what a powerful hand it is! Why do you pull me by the sleeve, Khorre? You have such a funny face.

Haggart says sternly: "Step aside, Flerio, and you all step aside with him." They all step aside. "What is it that you have recalled, Mariet? Speak! I am going away forever from your mournful land, where one dreams such painful dreams, where even the rocks dream of sorrow. And I have forgotten everything."

Strike them on the head, Noni." Haggart bursts out laughing. "Now you have said something funny. And I? Listen, Flerio, old friend. This woman who stands and looks No, that will not be funny!" He advances a step. "Khorre, do you remember how well this man prayed? Why was he killed? He prayed so well.