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I have got a manager already, I have looked at a suitable building. . . . It's only the money I haven't got. . . . If only you understood things you would have parted with your Five per cents . . . your Preference shares. . . ." "No, merci. . . . You have fleeced me enough already. . . . Let me alone, I have been punished already. . . ."

What pleased you most the Tuileries, Louvre, Garden of Plants, Père la Chaise, Notre Dame, or what?" "Why now, to tell you the truth, singular as it may seem, I saw nothing but the Tuileries and Naughty Dame. I may say a werry naughty dame, for she fleeced me uncommonly, scarcely leaving me a dump to carry me home." "What, you've been among the ladies, have you?

The speaker was Clarence Farnsworth, the foolish young easterner who had been sadly fleeced by the gambler. "Yes; Duff came back," said Mr. Hawkins, quietly. "Where is he?" asked Farnsworth. "I must leave in the morning, and I owe Duff seven hundred dollars. I want to pay it to him." "Money you lost gambling with Duff?" questioned Hawkins. "It's a debt of honor that I owe Mr.

"Poor, brave Sweetheart," she whispered, laying her cheek against her mother's arm. Isobel and Gyp were held silent by a disturbing sense of embarrassment. That it should have been Jerry's father whom their Uncle Peter had "fleeced" the horrible word which had slipped reminiscently from Mrs. Travis' lips burned in their ears! But a sudden delight finally broke loose Gyp's tongue.

And it would be a poor lookout for a clever man bent on relieving his neighbor of his superfluous money if he could not find a sheep who could be induced to jump the fence so that all the rest would follow. If other sheep had not taken the fence before him, M. Jeannin would have been the first. He was of the woolly tribe which is made to be fleeced.

I have had money enough to buy them; but people would have asked where I got it from, and it never does to make a show of being better off than one's neighbour. A man is sure to be fleeced, if he does. "What can I do for my lord?" "Nothing, at present, Meinik. I am going to lunch with the officers here, and to dine with the general, and sleep here.

How often have the servants of the meek and lowly Jesus turned the world away from Him by their examples of vanity, greed, lust for power, their pomp and pride of self-glory. They who were sent to be the shepherds of men have fleeced the flock for their own adorning and then fought amongst themselves to see who should wear the choicest robes.

He looked up to Jim Duff as a thorough "man of the world," and wanted to stand well in the gambler's good opinion. Clarence Farnsworth was, as yet, too green to know that, too often, the man who has seen much of the world has seen only its seamy and worthless side. Possibly Farnsworth was destined to learn this later on after the gambler had coolly fleeced him.

This imbecile sentimentality, combined with a ferociously practical sense, represented the dominant motive of the age. These very persons who would have gouged their neighbors' eyes to gain ten sous, lost all presence of mind and discrimination before suspicious looking girls in restaurants who pitilessly harassed and relentlessly fleeced them.

A country auction is not so exciting as one in the city; still you must be wide-awake and cool, or you will be fleeced.