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And it is perhaps in answer to Tolstoy's doctrine of passive resistance that Korolenko wrote that beautiful story called, "The Legend of Florus," the subject of which was probably taken from "The War of the Jews," by Flavius Josephus. This work takes us back to the time when Judæa was bowed down under Roman rule.

Caesar's statues were afterwards found with royal diadems on their heads. Flavius and Marullus, two tribunes of the people, went presently and pulled them off, and having apprehended those who first saluted Caesar as king, committed them to prison.

Among those arrived from Italy, we must distinguish the original manuscript of RUFFIN, a priest of Aquilea, who lived in the IVth century, containing, on papyrus or Egyptian paper, the Latin tranlation of the Jewish antiquities of FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS; the grammar of PROBUS or PALAEMON, a manuscript of the Vth century, on vellum, in uncial characters; a very beautiful volume in Syriac, containing the Four Evangelists, a manuscript on vellum of the VIth century; the two celebrated manuscripts of Virgil of the VIIth century, the one from the Vatican, the other from Florence, both on vellum.

What are you?" said Timon. "Have you forgotten me, sir?" asked Flavius, mournfully. "I have forgotten all men," was the reply; "and if you'll allow that you are a man, I have forgotten you." "I was your honest servant," said Flavius. "Nonsense! I never had an honest man about me," retorted Timon. Flavius began to cry. "What! shedding tears?" said Timon. "Come nearer, then.

With this verse he compares three texts: the Arabic verse which says, The winds of God blew; Flavius Josephus who says, A wind from above was precipitated upon the earth; and finally, the Chaldaic paraphrase of Onkelos, which renders it, A wind coming from God blew upon the face of the waters.

It was a brown calf-bound book, much worn, and on its title-page it bore the title of 'The Wars of Jerusalem, of Flavius Josephus, translated by S. Calmet, and a date somewhere in the middle of the eighteenth century. To this antique fare the boy settled himself down.

A table of formulae which embraced all these actions, along with a calendar which specified the court-days, was published to the people about 450 by Appius Claudius or by his clerk, Gnaeus Flavius. This attempt, however, to give formal shape to a science, that as yet hardly recognized itself, stood for a long time completely isolated. Language

The company is at the favorite games, draughts and dice, singly or together, and the rattle is merely of the tesserae, or ivory cubes, loudly shaken, and the moving of the hostes on the checkered boards. Who are the company? "Good Flavius," said a player, holding his piece in suspended movement, "thou seest yon lacerna; that one in front of us on the divan.

No one more so: but in certain matters the course of law is so clear as to leave no place for personal feeling. And Flavius told me that expressions were used in the letter, which he said was yours, to the effect that you would "either thank them as friends, or make yourself disagreeable to them as enemies."

And now, with shouts and clapping, And noise of weeping loud, He enters through the River Gate, Borne by the joyous crowd. From "Julius Caesar" Flavius. Why dost thou lead these men about the streets? Second Citizen. Indeed, sir, we make holiday, to see Caesar, and to rejoice in his triumph. Marullus. Wherefore rejoice? What conquest brings he home?