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"When will Pontiac be here?" called Dave after him, but to this the red man made no reply. He stalked away, letting the flap of the wigwam close after him. If Dave felt sick in body, he was doubly so in mind. The expedition to the east had come to a sudden and unexpected termination, and what was to be the real end of the adventure there was no telling.

In fact it seemed as though he himself became birdlike. He could flap his arms to his sides and produce that same dull penetrating note that was given only to this particular species of bird when they flapped their wings. At an early age he was left without parents and managed to grow up among the horses and cows in the barns.

An angry hiss, similar to that of a snake, warned me of danger, but too late to save my hands some severe scratches. With one bound and a flap of their gigantic wings they were on me, and had it not been for Tomerl, who was standing just behind me armed with a stout cudgel, I should have paid dearly for my incautious visit.

Stella wet her handkerchief and bathed her throbbing forehead, then took a deep draft, and felt much refreshed. "Here's your canteen," she said. Again the flap was thrust aside, and the ugly face looked in upon her with a leer. "Where are we, and where are we going?" asked Stella. "We're in the Wich " "Hey, Jack, stow that," cried the driver. "But it won't do no harm "

Making our way into one of the larger huts, we stroll into the open door, and ask a more important-looking man if he has any water-melon? We get a splendid one for "four-pin," and have a delicious "gouter." Our host a little, dry, withered-up fellow, dressed in a soiled blue cotton jacket, and wide trowsers which flap about his ankles collects the rind for his fowls.

This was the letter which Mark read, while the northeast wind roared through the boughs overhead, driving the gritty shell-dust in his face, and making the thin paper in his fingers flap with its vicious jerks: 'Talipot Bungalow, Newera Ellia, Ceylon. 'MY DEAR MARK, I am not going to reproach you for your long silence, as I dare say you waited for me to write first.

The enclosure was already filled, so he closed the entrance flap and mounted guard over it and Olga stood beside him, her glance passing swiftly from one object to another. Cleofonte's bout with Tomasso was more than usually dramatic, but her eyes roved toward the dressing tent, eyeing with an uncommon interest the Signora when she appeared.

The barge was about a quarter of a mile from the landing, when the heavy flap of the Cæsar's main-top-sail was heard, as, close-reefed, it struggled for freedom, while her crew drew its sheets down to the blocks on the lower yard-arms.

Minute recurrent sounds prevailed the click of the smoke-jack, the flap of the flames, and the light touches of the women's slippers upon the stone floor. The coachman hemmed, spread his feet more firmly upon the hearthstone, and looked hard at a small plate in the extreme corner of the dresser. 'No wedden this mornen that's my opinion.

The call was repeated just outside their tent door, and then trailed off into silence. "Is that someone calling to us?" asked Katherine, hurriedly pulling her middy on over her head and throwing back the tent flap. No one was in sight outside. "Must have been for someone else," she reported, looking right and left along the pathway. "There's nobody out here."