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Both Koraks and Chukchis count by fives instead of tens, a peculiarity which is also noticeable in the language of the Co-Yukons in Alaska. The Korak numerals are: Innín, One. Née-ak°h, Two. Nee-ók°h, Three. Née-ák°h, Four. Míl-li-gen, Five. In-nín míl-li-gen, Five-one. Née-ak°h " Five-two. Nee-ók°h " Five-three. Née-ák°h " Five-four. Meen-ye-geet-k°hin, Ten.

At five-one I decided that if saucers were buzzing Pennsylvania Avenue in formation I couldn't care less. I called Colonel Bower, explained my troubles, and said that I was through. He concurred, and I caught the next airliner to Dayton. When I returned I dropped in to see Captain Roy James in the radar branch and told him about the sighting.

Summers, whose dog-cart was waiting close by. "Are you going back to town now?" he asked. "Yes," I answered; "as soon as I can catch a train." "If you jump into my cart I'll run you down in time for the five-one. You'll miss it if you walk." I accepted his offer thankfully, and a minute later was spinning briskly down the road to the station. "Queer little devil, that man, Pope," Dr.

"If you jump into my cart I'll run you down in time for the five-one. You'll miss it if you walk." I accepted his offer thankfully, and a minute later was spinning briskly down the road to the station. "Queer little devil, that man Pope," Dr. Summers remarked. "Quite a character; a socialist, laborite, agitator, general crank; anything for a row."

At any rate he did nothing that pleased him in the second half, Cecily danced all over him and round and about him, and in the course of ten minutes her side had won the two remaining goals with a score of Five-One; and five goals is "game" by the standards of Matching's Easy. And then with the very slightest of delays these insatiable people picked up again. Mr.