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"Of course, a girl like Pauline always wants to dance, no matter how torrid the night," explained Chester. "Win and I have to consider our guest's wish. But you can bet Pauline isn't getting her wish not with R. P. Burns running around the country all the evening and only making five-minute stops at her side."

At last the relaxed engine, with the same majesty of ease, swung into the high-roofed station at Crewe, and stopped on a platform lined with porters and citizens. There was instant bustle, and in the interest of the moment no one seemed particularly to notice the tired vermilion engine being led away. There is a five-minute stop at Crewe.

The question, then, was whether or not I could put enough into a five-minute address to make it worth while for me to make such a trip.

Polaris unit will defend the north goal," he said, pointing to a white chalk line fifty yards away, "Arcturus the south," and he pointed to a line equally distant in the opposite direction. "Five-minute periods, with one-minute rest between. All clear?"

The Berenice cleared the crowd and quickened her speed as the five-minute gun puffed out from the committee-ship and the Blue Peter ran up the halyards in the smoke.

So Pierre said he'd go out and get some. He was gone about half an hour; when he came back, he had a carton, and some hot pork sandwiches. He'd gotten them at the same place as the cigarettes Art Igoe's lunch-stand." "Could Igoe verify that?" "It wouldn't help if he did. Igoe's place isn't a five-minute drive from Rivers's, farther down the road." "Has Pierre a lawyer?" Rand asked. "No. Not yet.

We can take five-minute breaks when we begin to tire." "I'm with you. Tote those rocks." "Let's use one light, too. No point in just clearing the tunnel. We want to break through in as short a time as possible. If we use the light we can pull rocks from nearer the top of the slide." "Sensible as usual. I'll prop my light so it shines on the slide."

A five-minute stop at the Silveys sufficed to make the necessary alterations in John's equipment. Bill brought out his own sled, and they started for the corner. In front of the grocery store, they found Pete, the wagon boy, placing the last of the noon orders in his cart. "Give us a hitch," they begged. He nodded a cheery consent. "But hurry. These have got to be delivered in time for dinner."

When he was gone, Jack turned sharply away and climbed the furze-covered slope from whence he hoped to see the cannon, now firing only at five-minute intervals. As he toiled up the incline he carefully kept himself under cover, for he had no desire to meet any lurking franc-tireurs.

After the reception all assembled in the Court of Honor, where sparkling five-minute speeches were made by representatives from a dozen countries. It was soon evident that the business of the convention would have to be confined to the morning hours, as the afternoons and evenings had to be given over to public speech making and social functions.