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That astute lady had been obliged to listen to scores of canteeners, nurses, secretaries, and motor leaguers who, standing before a long mirror in one of the many fitting-rooms, had gazed, frowned, fumbled at collar and topmost button, and said, "But it looks so so lumpy around the neck." Miss Kate Nevins's reply to this plaint was: "Oh, when you get your tie on "

Simon Arnheim, a red portfolio under one arm, walked into the mahogany, green-carpeted, soft-lighted establishment of an importing house on Fifth Avenue. Mrs. S.S. Schlimberg, senior member, greeted him in her third-floor office behind the fitting-rooms. "Well, well! Wie geht's, Arnheim? I thought it was gettin' time for you." Mr. Arnheim shook hands and settled himself in a chair beside the desk.

He drew a long breath. Monia was at the opera, and the Hungarian sat in the kitchen knitting a stocking. The reception room was warm from the day's fire, and in order. All the pins and scraps of the day had been swept up, and the portieres that made fitting-rooms of the corners were pushed back. Peter saw only a big room with empty corners, and that at a glance. His eyes were Harmony's.

"And d'you know what I'll do meanwhile, out of revenge on the sex? I've just ordered three suits of white flannel, and I shall break every feminine heart in the camp, regardless Oh, say, that's what I came in to tell you! Guess whom I saw at the tailor's?" "Well, Mr. Bones, whom did you, and so forth?" "Fat Ed Meyers. I just glimpsed him in one of the fitting-rooms.

In one of the small fitting-rooms, divided by red velvet curtains on gilt rods from the long showrooms of Madame Dinard, a nervous group, comprising the head skirt fitter, the head waist fitter, Miss Bellman, the head saleswoman, and Madame herself, stood disconsolately around the indignant figure of Mrs.

"I got to go out for a little while to-night, hon. On business." "Where?" "Slews. I got to meet him in the Subway at seven and go to Brooklyn shops with him to look over those ventilators I'm having put in the fitting-rooms." She laid down her fork. "I thought you said he was in St. Louis?" "He got back." "Oh!"

"Thou art very lovely, very chic," said Monia. The dress added to rather than relieved Harmony's discomfiture. She donned it in one of the fitting-rooms, made by the simple expedient of curtaining off a corner of the large reception room. The slashed skirt embarrassed her; the low cut made her shrink. Monia was frankly entranced.