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The pages written over and torn out of his notebook were the first-fruit of his "mission." No dream that. They contained the assurance that he was on the eve of real discoveries. "I think there is no longer anything in the way of my being completely accepted." He had resumed his impressions in those pages, some of the conversations.

Things generally were converging towards a crisis in their affairs. Colonel Kelmscott's wrong-doing was bearing first-fruit abundantly. For as soon as Granville Kelmscott received that strangely-worded note from Gwendoline Gildersleeve, he proceeded, as was natural, straight down, in his doubt, to his father's library.

Meanwhile the women at home were cleaning out their houses, renewing the old hearths, and scouring all the cooking vessels that they might be ready to receive the new fire and the new fruits. The public or sacred square was carefully swept of even the smallest crumbs of previous feasts, "for fear of polluting the first-fruit offerings."

The young man had turned deadly pale, and he shifted his feet, and opened and clasped his hands. He had faced death a dozen times and under many different forms, but never had he felt such a sinking of the heart as came over him now. "You are yourself a Huguenot, I understand. I would gladly have you, then, as the first-fruit of this great measure.

Are you the author of those lines? 'No, sir. 'Ah! Very good. Are you, Montgomery? 'No, sir. 'Very good. Then you, Morrison, are exonerated from all blame. You have been exceedingly badly treated. The first-fruit of your brain has been ah plucked by others, who toiled not neither did they spin. You can go, Morrison. 'But, sir 'Well, Morrison? 'I didn't write them, sir.

They were the first-fruit of the speeding up of munition-factories at home after the public outcry against shell shortage and the lack of high explosives. Well, at last the guns would not be starved. There was enough high-explosive force available to blast the German trenches off the map.

His voice was unrecognizable in his own ears hoarse and broken, but with a fright-compelling something in it which stimulated his rage. The horrible notion of killing her, there where she sat, spread over the chaos of his mind with an effect of unearthly light red and abnormally evil. It was like that first devilish radiance ushering in Creation, of which the first-fruit was Cain.

I was very glad afterwards that I thought of it. Clithering was tremendously pleased, and made me quite a long speech. He said that he looked upon my offer as a kind of first-fruit of the new spirit of amity which was coming into existence between England and Ireland. This ended our negotiations to the satisfaction of every one concerned.

'The glory of God, said Jesus. 'Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God? "Before the open throat of the sepulchre Jesus began to speak to his Father aloud. He had prayed to him in his heart before, most likely while he groaned in his spirit. Now he thanked him that he had comforted him, and given him Lazarus as a first-fruit from the dead.

For if the dead are not raised, neither is Christ risen: and if Christ be not risen, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. Then also they who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are more miserable than all other men. But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first-fruit of those who have fallen asleep.