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Whether she was in the house, or outside, she could always be depended upon. There was not a better rider in the whole community than she, and she handled every sort of weapon with great skill. Life in the Colony was pleasant indeed! One evening when Mr. Bradley and his happy family were gathered around the fire-side, he seemed to be in a very meditative mood.

There was always an arm-chair for Peter de Groodt, sometimes called Long Peter, and sometimes Peter Longlegs, the clerk and sexton of the little Lutheran church, who was her great crony, and indeed the oracle of her fire-side. Nay, the Dominie himself did not disdain, now and then, to step in, converse about the state of her mind, and take a glass of her special good cherry-brandy.

Aboard of her were ten or twelve other pilots, fellows with shaggy brows, and muffled in shaggy coats, who sat grouped together on deck like a fire-side of bears, wintering in Aroostook.

In this mode of life there is a little resemblance to savages; but it strikes me that at present there are no European nations who have much vigor but those who are what is called barbarous, in other words, unenlightened, or those who are free: but the nations which have only acquired from civilization an indifference for this or that yoke, provided their own fire-side is not disturbed: those nations, which have only learned from civilization the art of explaining power and of reasoning servitude, are made to be vanquished.

And so they soon blush at their father's obscure condition and evince a mortal disgust of the modest joys of the poor fire-side. "Heavens! how little it all is!" Such was the first word which escaped her when she returned to her father's house. She had grown, and everything she saw on her return had shrank; her father like the rest, perhaps more than the rest.

How my uncle Toby and Corporal Trim managed this matter, with the history of their campaigns, which were no way barren of events, may make no uninteresting under-plot in the epitasis and working-up of this drama. At present the scene must drop, and change for the parlour fire-side. What can they be doing? brother, said my father.

In the cooling of celestial bodies several factors are concerned. The first and simplest is the one illustrated at every fire-side by the rapid blackening of little cinders which fall into the ashes, in contrast with the long-continued redness of big lumps.

It seems to me that it is our guardian angel, who kneels at the footstool of God, and is pointing to us upon earth, and asking earthly and heavenly blessings for us, entreating that we may not be much longer divided, that we may sit by our own fire-side. . . . BOSTON, September 9, half past eight P. M., 1839.

"Amid the smoke of cities did you pass The time of early youth, and there you learnt From years of quiet industry to love The living beings of your own fire-side."

Poor fisher-folk and buffalo-drivers, who had of necessity to pass near the ruined fanes, were wont to slink by in fear and trembling, and doubtless they brought back strange stories of its ghostly occupants with which they regaled their friends or families by the fire-side of a winter’s evening.