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Her fire-pot contained, or rather concealed two bits of sticks, which lay apart: the grating was on the ground, its handle in the ashes. The mantel-shelf, adorned with a little wax Jesus under a shade of squares of glass held together with blue paper, was piled with wools, bobbins, and tools used in the making of gimps and trimmings.

Half-way up the hill he met Bagheera with the morning dew shining like moonstones on his coat. 'Akela has missed, said the Panther. 'They would have killed him last night, but they needed thee also. They were looking for thee on the hill. 'I was among the ploughed lands. I am ready. See! Mowgli held up the fire-pot. 'Good!

In summer, he's pinched for a living and cowers O'er the fire-pot in winter, for warmth and for light. The curs of the street dog his heels, as he goes, And the scurviest rascal may rail at the wight. If he lift up his voice to complain of his case, He finds not a soul who will pity his plight. Since such is the life and the lot of the poor, It were better he lay in the graveyard forthright!

The fire-pot allowed him to distinguish a blouse, torn trousers of coarse velvet, bare feet, and something which resembled a pool of blood. Marius indistinctly made out a pale head which was lifted towards him and which was saying to him: "You do not recognize me?" "No." "Eponine." Marius bent hastily down. It was, in fact, that unhappy child. She was dressed in men's clothes. "How come you here?

The young men saw two chairs, a broken bureau on which was a tallow-candle stuck into a potato, a few dishes on the floor, and an earthen fire-pot in a corner of the chimney, in which there was no fire; this was all the furniture of the room.

Akela the lone wolf lay by the side of his rock as a sign that the leadership of the Pack was open, and Shere Khan with his following of scrap-fed wolves walked to and fro openly being flattered. Bagheera lay close to Mowgli, and the fire-pot was between Mowgli's knees.

"Felicita," she said, "what are you doing to the child?" "The child is mine," she answered; "I can murder him if I like, and you too, Giannina." And then she swung about the fire-pot. The other woman lifted up hers to defend herself, and the two pots clashed together so violently that they were dashed to pieces, and fire and ashes flew about the room.

Finding himself on a hard floor he soon recalled their escapade. He looked about. The moon had set and a grey streak showed through the cut announcing that dawn was on its way. "Guess I had better not sleep any more," said Don to himself, as he got up and looked into the fire-pot. "Gee, she's most out again!" said he, looking about for kindlings.

Nothing is said about the bowels of the volcano, so that we must conclude either that such affairs are not planted so deep as is supposed, or that the fire-pot of the concern was shoved one side or bridged over by the canallers, or that the Frenchman had some remarkably good style of Fire Annihilator, or else that there is some mistake!

"HERE, Dot, throw the blankets down on that seat," said Don, pointing to a tiny bench next to the boiler. "I don't see's it's any warmer in here than outdoors," grumbled Dot, rubbing her eyes and yawning again. "Soon will be. I haven't looked at the fire, yet," returned Don, as he tried to open the fire-pot door. "Gee! fire's most out!