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If Abraham Lincoln is elected, the South leaves this Union." The Judge started, and looked up. The speaker was Colonel Carvel himself. "Then, sir," Mr. Whipple cried hotly, "then you will be chastised and brought back. For at last we have chosen a man who is strong enough, who does not fear your fire-eaters, whose electors depend on Northern votes alone."

With John C. Calhoun sitting near him in the Senate-chamber, and with fire-eaters swarming at the other end of the Capitol, he could, as late as 1843, cast the whole blame of the slavery excitement upon the few individuals at the North who were beginning to discern the ulterior designs of the Nullifiers.

Her eyes were very bright, her cheeks a ruddy pink, her curls a glorious halo for her head; and, standing beside her father, she took on a naïve dignity that left the two fire-eaters abashed. Cole Campbell himself was a man to be reckoned with tall and straight as an arrow, with eyes that never wavered and decision in every line of his face.

Besides Alden, the captain had chosen five men, enough to man the boat, and to make a good defense in case of attack, but among these he had included none of the fire-eaters, none of the independent souls of the little colony. Alden, to whom the captain had given the names of those to be summoned, had noted this feature of the selection, and ventured to comment upon it approvingly.

"You will find me to-morrow, sir." "This very moment," Nathan answered. "Come, come, you pair of fire-eaters!" "You are another!" said the prime mover in the quarrel. "Ah, I can't stand upright, perhaps?" asked the pugnacious Nathan, straightening himself up like a stag-beetle about to fly.

I am not sure whether the fiercer of the old Charlestonians were not more annoyed at the lack of attention paid by Sherman to the fire-eating little city in which four years back had been fired the gun that opened the War, than they would have been by an immediate and strenuous occupation. Sherman had more important matters on hand than the business of looking after the original fire-eaters.

If Abraham Lincoln is elected, the South leaves this Union." The Judge started, and looked up. The speaker was Colonel Carvel himself. "Then, sir," Mr. Whipple cried hotly, "then you will be chastised and brought back. For at last we have chosen a man who is strong enough, who does not fear your fire-eaters, whose electors depend on Northern votes alone."

Well, they did not find it all. People who like bacon shouldn't leave it lying in deserts in front of hungry Scotchmen. Our own orders to advance were cancelled, and we stopped on at Maadan. The evacuation of el Arish was rather an anti-climax. No one wants another war, and it would not be honest to pretend that we were all fire-eaters living for nothing but the joy of a scrap.

For the Storm long brewing in seditious Palais Royal or seething faubourg, in the heart and conscience of patriot Dantons, the cunning of Robespierres, the wildness of Desmoulins fire-eaters, the starvation and misery of the people struck the doomed country with full force.

If he had known that his only and beloved daughter, even while he spoke, was on her way to the mysterious icy sea in company with one of the despised Eskimos driven away by the violence of the fire-eaters of the camp he would not have smoked or spoken so calmly.