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"If we could make a fire," said Charley, "you could soon tell whether it is good fire-clay or not." "Make a fire," said the ranger. "Collins already knows where our camp is and nobody else will be prowling around here at this hour." In a minute the boys had a fire going. When they had a deep bed of coals, they dropped the ball of clay in it and made more fire on top of the bed.

And there's no danger of their telling anybody else about your camp because they won't want anybody to know they were here. We'll just consider the camp situation settled." They finished their supper and had begun clear up the dishes when suddenly Charley thought of the fire-clay. "Oh! I have something to show you," he cried, and went to the corner of the tent to get the clay ball.

Even with the best of tools we make blunders, my lad, and with a such a set out as this, why, of course, anything may happen." "Anything happen, sir?" I said. "To be sure. That ore ought to have been put in a proper fire-clay crucible." "What's a crucible, sir?" I said. "A pot made of a particular material that will bear any amount of heat.

Several screws hold lining and barrel together. To promote efficiency, the furnace and boiler is jacketed with asbestos or fire-clay round the furnace secured by a thin outer cover. The enclosing is a somewhat troublesome business, but results in much better steaming power, especially in cold weather. Air-holes must be cut round the bottom of the lining to give good ventilation.

The lower part, A, of each cylinder is cooled by water circulating through its casing. The upper part, B, is lined with refractory material, such as fire-clay. The trunk piston, C, is made hollow, and formed with a shield covered by refractory material to protect the packing of the piston and the surface of the lower part of the cylinder from heat.

As the pyroligneous acid which results from the distillation of the wood attacks lime mortar, it is best to lay up the brick with fire-clay mortar, to which a little salt has been added; sometimes loam mixed with coal-tar, to which a little salt is also added, is used.

"My good boy, these will not be cool enough to touch yet. They retain the heat for a long while." He stopped talking to me for some time, and explained how the men were closing the bottom of the furnace again with fire-clay, and that they would now go on pouring in at the top barrows full of charcoal and broken-up ore.

Within this a sufficient space intervening is an inner shrine covered with bright non-radiating metal, and within this again is a covered sarcophagus of tempered fire-clay, with one or more longitudinal slits near the top, extending its whole length.

These corrugated tubes enclosed in cheap glass, and surrounded with oil, were laid in properly prepared conduits of vitrified fire-clay sewer pipes. Without the intervention of the steam engine, by a surprisingly simple process, electrical force was liberated chemically at the mines and transferred for multiple uses at the steel plant. Expensive coal-freights were thus saved.

In the center of this hole would be a small "core" made of asbestos and concrete mixed. Around this would be poured the molten steel from great caldrons. It would flow into the hole. The sides of earth lined with fire-clay would hold it in, and the middle core would make a hole throughout the length of the central part of the gun.