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For this was the order of Fionn's affection: first there was the boy; next, Bran and Sceo'lan with their three whelps; then Caelte mac Rona'n, and from him down through the champions. He loved them all, but it was along that precedence his affections ran. The thorn that went into Bran's foot ran into Fionn's also.

Iollan knew the appearance of Fionn's messenger, but he was surprised to see her. She saluted him. "Health and long life, my master.". "Health and good days," he replied. "What brings you here, dear heart?" "I come from Fionn." "And your message?" said he. "The royal captain intends to visit you." "He will be welcome," said Iollan. "We shall give him an Ulster feast."

They rushed together, and Diarmid passed under them and through them and over them, as a whale would go through small fish. And all of them fell by Diarmid and Oscar before night came, while they themselves had neither cut nor wound. When Fionn saw that great slaughter he and his men put out to sea, and sailed to the cave where dwelt an old woman, Fionn's nurse.

Fionn would have heard much of them, and it is likely that he practised on a nettle at taking the head off Goll, and that he hunted a sheep from cover in the implacable manner he intended later on for Cona'n the Swearer. But it is of Uail mac Baiscne he would have heard most. With what a dilation of spirit the ladies would have told tales of him, Fionn's father.

"Did you think, Fionn, that a whale could swim on land, or what did you imagine that lump could do?" "Nothing," cried a messenger, and was sped as he spoke. Rage began to gnaw in Fionn's soul, and a red haze danced and flickered before his eyes.

It may be, too, that he knew how events would turn, for he had eaten the Salmon of Knowledge. Yet it is not recorded that on this occasion he invoked any magical art as he did on other adventures. Fionn's way of discovering whatever was happening and hidden was always the same and is many times referred to. A shallow, oblong dish of pure, pale gold was brought to him.

Late that night, when he was preparing for rest, the door of Fionn's chamber opened gently and a young woman came into the room. The captain stared at her, as he well might, for he had never seen or imagined to see a woman so beautiful as this was.